We just had TrialPay confirm that they have fixed the "You just missed this offer..." bug late last week. If you still see the "you just missed this offer..." please let us know. For other errors, like the "Oops!..." they could be blocking your account or something else, if you haven't you can contact TrialPay by going to the offer wall on Facebook that is available in the footer of the game through "Earn Favor Points!" button and click the "Support" link in the footer of the pop-up. That will get you in contact with TrialPay, if you don't get an answer from TrialPay please let us know.
OK riddle me this Kendall, these pics are from FB Now I go to Kanoplay and find the exact same offer This is pretty much same on all offers, yet some do work on FB, all of them work on Kanoplay
OK, one more time, fingers crossed. Earlier today, TrialPay confirmed that they found a couple issues and pushed some fixes out. Are players still having issues with "this url is missing information" type of errors?
Like this? just tried. and no I'm not blocked from TrialPay, I received few credits from videos today Windows7, newest FF update and don't tell me cache LOL That's FB VC now I go to KANOPLAY FB find exact same offer
Well still getting oop's already completed offer on videos, and I'm done taking screen shots for this! and go ahead that's for you guys, I've tried and won't listen. Many get the same problem just won't comment on forum or just don't care. OK, I replied to Trialpay