this is an idea that has never been proposed before and would be fairly simple to do. but also would be cool because no other games that i know of do it. so when you go select your location that you would like to go to in any game, next to the name of the place should be a description for it. when you guys release a new place you have a description about the area that i have always found nice to read. so why not have a little i(info button) next to the locations name. and when a player hovers over it with their mouse cursor it shows what the description is. and if they are on mobile they would just have to click the i button for the description.
Offering good. My opinion developers have something to do besides this. But it was nice to see the description of the-story about bosses.
It's true, we do have a lot of text that gets hidden right after you see it, so I'll see if we can hook this up at some point down the road. (and also because I've written a few descriptions for bosses/locations recently myself )
for the 1% of players that have used raids to level themselves into oblivion? i guess they'll just have to chill out where they are for another year or two. ho hum.
Another year or two for a new city? You have to be kidding. I am one of the people that started near the beginning of ths game, and do not use Raids to level. I have a leveling partner. I am past 10,000 and did not do that on raids. Too many high levels are bored and quitting. We need to find something to keep everyone going.
yes, another year or two for a new city. no, i'm not kidding. just keep on collecting thousands of drops where you are.
M, you say this like you think Kano gives a rat's @ss. Once they have your money they really don't care if you play another day...someone else who is not as high of a level as you will spend to get there. And then they will get bored and quit, then the next and the next. These games are not designed to be played for infinity, they are designed to be a constant production line of credit card transactions.
People that spend a lot of money instead of working at the game are the ones that get bored and leave. I have watched this happening for years. Some come on once in a while and others just stop playing. I find it fun to work for achievements and levels.
I agree with you here. its very true. Like i dont understand why people invest money into a game then leave it. Like thats just wasting their own money
Leveling partners is most certainly allowed. They even put a cap on max attacks/24 hours to limit but not eliminate it.
This goes back to another comment I made in another thread...loyalty to the game is fostered by time invested, not money invested. However, Kano has geared most of the game(s) towards those that will splurge spend then leave rather than those that spend small amounts but are here for years and years. If they want to grow a loyal player base that will be here for the long run, they need to stop focusing on making the fast bucks.
well is interesting ideea, even is not afecting the game is nice to know more about places so why not?