Can I get someone in support to look at my support ticket PLEASE?!!! Been since Monday and I asked an important question about a purchase...that's my ISSUE. THANK YOU! #LME-768-76162 payment sent Created: 19 February 2018 04:34 PM Updated: 20 February 2018 09:37 PM
Tickets are answered with 24 - 48 business hours by our Support staff. I see that you have responded to your own ticket before Support has had a chance to; each new reply from you without a response from Support marks the ticket as "new" and moves it back in the queue, a limitation of the system. I've let the Support staff know about your ticket and they will get to it as soon as they are able. Sorry about the wait!
You will definitely receive some sort of response, sometimes it takes a little longer than you'd like.