404: Oh Noes! We can't find that game. Try using the search above. Sushi Cat gets lost sometimes, too. But he always finds his way back by browsing new games. Pirate Clan and Zombie Slayer not searchable
This has sadly been the case for a while now and Armor doesn't appear to be putting us back in there anytime soon. Bookmark these guys. Alternately you can find it via the bottom game bar in LCN and VC. https://armorgames.com/zombie-slayer-game/14869/ https://armorgames.com/pirate-clan-game/15877/
Armor does not like you guys huh? they should really put u guys in the TOP TRENDING SPOTS..cause these apps out do almost all of them dumb Games they have on there just saying lol
Has the link for Armor changed? Today, September 27, 2018, I am no longer able to access through the above link. Please advise as this is getting to be bothersome.
Hey @Zombiefried, the games are still up but if you are not actively logged into Armor those links won't work. Try this: goto www.armorgames.com Login with your username/pass Then try the ZS (or PC) link above