They are likely trying to make it "fair" as they call it for the people who don't fight. Well, sorry but there are multiple aspects of this game and only building a character for one of them is a personal problem that the rest of us shouldn't have to deal with.
There's a few factions on MySpace that get GP but they don't fight anyone. They just hit bosses and crap like that. I can run through EVERY ONE OF THEM and not lose and NONE of them can beat me. I'm not tooting my own horn just saying. I'm NOT the only strong player that can run through a faction by themselves.
As I said earlier they reward the P*SSY players that B*TCH and CRY the most.
Although on Kano's behalf when I harass the shit out of them about stuff (adding achievements and fixing spelling errors) they usually get it done......except links on my inbox not working for the last TWO MONTHS. lol.....I should really only give credit to Wonder Woman though
Cause some moron at Kano banned me from the World chat on "accident."
Last edited: Dec 28, 2011