Since Outbreak Help is Limited .. is it possible to have a COUNTER count down so you know when its approaching the Limit ?? I think I would rather give help to my faction and/or best friends when down to my last 5. and one other idea which I mentioned long ago - Is there any way to show who was just listed (HITLIST) so you can see who was just killed? ( not necessary to show WHO took the money , but hell if its a working idea show $$, who got listed, and who took the CASH. ( and if they are allowed to die by booby tarp -- if they copped out and did the Die By own Hand. That may solve another problem everybody complains about regarding auto BOTs.. !!! I know I miss a lot more than I take, but everybody thinks I got certain hits when I did not! so .. if someone IS running a BOT and taking them 5 at a time in a row... maybe they will "SEE" the handwriting on the wall and Stop. Thanks..
First idea has been accepted and added to our queue. Second idea, file a second post with this please. One idea per thread!