I do not ascribe to this philosophy or personally practice such, when playing my game. I must respect other ways of playing, but do not have to follow those "rules". Hypothetically a viking could be entirely shut out from chatting, if the opponents all chose to keep that viking dead. It happens............
Bottom line ,mouthing off in WC's in all games, healed or not makes one a target, it has always been that way in fighting games, even before Kano games, and if the one yapping,damn someone can yap here in the forum and become a target (and it does not matter what the yapping is about,sometimes it just reminds someone they forgot about) is not healed ,yes his guild,armada,faction,friends may pay the price guilty by association lol make things interesting for awhile,same if someone asks someone privately to lay off someone, that can also make things interesting. The game rewards players who "play"(fight, list,punch,whip,slap etc) that is what these games are about.
Agreed. If you run your mouth in chat you should be healed. We had someone in PC who would constantly find a trap then run their's so to speak. Have the courage to back up what you say.
As I see the responses, I wonder, is there no place for light chat? Are settler groups and people who enjoy the game without such heavy purpose, to be excluded? Interesting.
well as it stands now,T Ann nothing has changed and prob nothing will, so for you there is not an issue
Its cute to be free, I anyway didnt talked to much there , had alot of unesed speakers available, so no diffrence for me , maybe for others
i enjoy trash talking my rivals as much as the next, but then there are those that always turns it into a 3rd grade name calling contest, attacking people looks, character, etc... but i understand some people are so insecure they have to attack others to feel better about themselves
I've read this thread. I understand why KMA wants people who use World Chat to be healed but don't agree with it. As T Ann says, it makes them too easy a target. I do think World Chat should be a place where people can chat and not be targets simply by posting, but that is a personal opinion. If KMA's suggestion is to be implemented then there would need to be another 'safe' place where less 'enthusiastic' Vikings are able to chat freely. I don't really see that happening so in essence I am opposed to World Chat needing you to be healed to use it.
How do you make World Chat a place where people can chat but not be attacked? Steve, it sounds like you want to carve out an "attack free zone" in a battle game, to which I suggest again maybe this game really isn't for you. I do agree with KMA's suggestion that if you want to talk the talk then you have to walk the walk, meaning your Viking (or Pirate) should be at full health while your running your mouth ridiculing or challenging others. Far too many in these games make sure their characters are dead before they come alive in chat.
i disagree with the whole you have to be healed to chat, thats just ridiculous....im not the person that traps out then runs at the mouth but i can see why certain people DO do it and theres nothing wrong with it...this game is already Hitler enough without them telling any of us when we can or cant talk...cmon people, get real. you dont like what someone is saying in the chat then mute and /or ignore it...its just bullshit to get a rise out of you anyways and as soon as you show theyre getting to you then they win...its just mindless dribble 99.9999999% of the time anyways...move on and deal with it