[LCN] Workshop level 600 (Only)

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Barry Turner, Jun 26, 2016.

  1. Barry Turner

    Barry Turner Member

    What are people crafting ?

    I'm currently doing the weapon Razor Boomerang 33 Attack 31 Defense

    Security Camera - (Cost, $100.000.000)
    Wire Cutters - (Johannesburg, Set up a 419 scam phone call)
    C4 Explosives - (Gift)

    Should i be crafting a better one at my level ? also is anyone crafting something for armor, vehicle and could you write it down like how i did the above... Thanks :)
  2. ScoobyDoobyDon't

    ScoobyDoobyDon't New Member

    I don't craft a huge deal.. and don't intend to until I am way over level 1k, when I have built up a more decent stash of items.

    I like to do things as cheaply and efficiently as possible, so that rules the Razor boomerang out for me.
    security camera - a30 d25
    wire cutters - a23 d31
    c4 explosives - a5 d3
    so as the cost of the security camera is pretty high, I don't bother. plus, if i have 10 cameras and 10 wire cutters... attacking wise I am only 3 att short of the boomerang, and defending i am the same. (c4 doesnt even figure in my weapons as its so low.) so, i can have more mobsters armed with stuff by not wasting those weapons to craft.

    The only thing i'm really crafting at the moment is the
    Elite lead pipe - a43 d35
    uses 33x lead pipes a17 d9 - LV Black mamba boss drop.

    Cheap, decent = win :)
    Barry Turner likes this.
  3. Barry Turner

    Barry Turner Member

    "Guerilla Uniform" anyone know how to get the battle armor in Medellin.

    "Safari Jeep" anyone know how to get the Maponga Armored Truck located in Johannesburg.


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