why was my name changed?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by JARVIN, Nov 7, 2014.


    JARVIN Active Member

    i've had it for months, and all of a sudden when i send a request in to kano, it's changed. i don't want to post what it was here and get in trouble. so all movie references can't be used for names? is that a trademark thing or something? i don't even know if anyone got the movie reference or knew what the name meant.
  2. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Hey JARVIN, this is unfortunately not the right place to ask since nobody here will have a clue! :confused:

    You're going to want to ask Support why somebody reset your name.

    JARVIN Active Member

    thanks i'll do that.
  4. Randomoinkbomb

    Randomoinkbomb New Member

    what was your name

    JARVIN Active Member

    are you trying to get me in trouble? lol if it was changed in the game, i'm pretty sure i shouldn't post it here, either.

    JARVIN Active Member

    i was told that someone found my name "inappropriate." really? so it only takes ONE person to be "offended" and you have your name reset after you've been playing with it for months? sounds pretty subjective to me. that's crap.
  7. Applejack

    Applejack Active Member

    you're lucky. i received a game ban for mine. totally ridiculous.

    JARVIN Active Member

    this is the response that i got to someone that i reported as having an inappropriate game name.

    Hi Jarvin,

    Because we specialize in combat-based games for adults we do expect a certain amount of confrontational messages in the chat and try not to be overbearing with our moderation.

    However, some types of messages are not welcome, such as comments about players' sexuality, slurs that are racist or homophobic, sexually explicit, and accusations of cheating.

    By and large, we aim for a "PG-13" tone. For more information about how we manage behavior in our games, please see our Behavior Guidelines (http://support.kanoapps.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/93/6/behavior-guidelines) and Terms of Use. (http://www.kanoapps.com/terms-of-use/ )
    Kirsten and Kano Moderator 2 like this.
  9. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    Use Tinkerbell
  10. JARVIN

    JARVIN Active Member

    my point is that i submitted a ticket about an inappropriate game name, and i got a response about confrontational chat that seems like a copy and paste canned response. i guess kano works pretty hard.
  11. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    We do use template responses from time to time and after doing several dozen tickets I'm sure the eyes in Support could use a break. ;)

    That said I'll tell them to keep a closer eye on what they say in their responses. Chances are they just mis-clicked when selecting the template.
  12. JARVIN

    JARVIN Active Member

    thanks. but i still never got an answer to my question, although if i ever have a question about confrontational chat that is inappropriate (which i see every day), i guess i have a generic answer to that question. almost 3 weeks with no answer, i guess i'll drop it, and i probably won't get a specific answer anyway, which is what i was looking for. if you feel anything is wrong with the game, just send tickets in to support so that the appropriate actions can be taken. in other words, they will at least be glanced at, and you will receive a response, although it may be about an unrelated topic.
  13. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    lol Yeah some decisions supports makes about chat boggles my mind,o_O certain things just get glossed over other things seem to be a cardinal sin .:confused: censoring some while others go nuts ,not cool:cool:
  14. Applejack

    Applejack Active Member

    yeah, i asked about mine and i was told that "some" player "complained" about my offensive name. which is funny, because that player has used loopholes in the game mechanics to put himself out of range of everyone else except for a few of his buddies. so i just left it at what i have now, no point in complaining about it, kano will do what they want to in the end.
  15. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I like " Applejack", that name always makes me smile :)
  16. Applejack

    Applejack Active Member

    lol. i wish i could take the credit for it. it was smack's choice (or whatever dev at kano selected it for me).
    Kirsten likes this.
  17. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Here's some general information about why your ign might be reset by Kano (or why you might be banned altogether).

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