Where do we go from here?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by slave, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. alka

    alka Banned

    How are Kano going to deal with the deluge of new players coming to the game when they hear about these new ideas?
    Is it really worth having an Ideas section anymore if this is what you really think sparks the games into life?
  2. slave

    slave Member

    i do agree with not groundbreaking

    Not ground breaking but these directly came out of community input:
    •Shooter Challenges for Mobile (Calendars and Card games coming soon)
    •Crafting unlock messages on level up
    •World Boss feed items removed from regular Boss events
    •Increased sale item discounts (so far just LCN and PC)

    shooter challenges for mobile? how is that helping out the game on pc?
    crafting? you have to be kidding me, why you continue to waste programmer time on a facet that is outdated before you even come up with the idea is beyond me.
    world boss items removed from boss feed, well theres a winner......
    increased sale item discounts? that is not new content

    i have posted a number of ideas over the past six months that got favorable reviews by whoever is bothering to read the forum at this point
    - updated veteran achievements - promised before arena started....
    - interactive calendars - instead of having to wait to get a key allow us to play and earn instead - very favorable response
    - super replayable outbreak content - completed by level and allowed to be completed over and over again for a small reward, that way i wouldnt have 10 percent of my zombies killed in one outbreak in st pete
    - planetary bosses - no timer, someplace to put in your excess stamina for better xp payout, again i wouldnt have to be pasting my level 245 clown boss, since you have stated in very simple terms you arent going to give us veteran achievements on bosses
    - faction boss - similiar to world boss but only the faction can beat on it and kill it, give the faction some sort of level achievement for each one they beat on making them harder and harder to kill off
    daily challenge - mix it up, give us a checklist with a small reward if able to complete the challenge

    again only some of the ideas i have presented that are in my humble opinion far superior to what was issued, and these were just my ideas and not taken into account the many other ideas that were again in my humble opinion far superior to what you listed above.

    we hear you, but im not sure you hear us, and it seems a small number of players are vocal on the game, and that number is shrinking constantly because your losing us, and if you think the number of complaints is diminshing, it is, because people are giving up on trying, they are quitting and they are losing any care they have to play. It's not because things are better,they are not, its because we give you tons of ideas and then you throw the four above up and say "see, look what we have done?" and to those of us that put far better ideas on this forum than what you took away from here, shows us either you arent listening, or you dont care.

    Cuz if you did, and implemented some of the ideas i have seen in idea section, there would be a lot more to do, than stare at the screen and spam the hitlist tab ( until you throttle that down so everyone has a chance to collect a bounty....)
  3. I completely agree, and adding a new country/outbreaks/bosses for the tiny amount of people at the higher levels is not going to solve a thing.
    New content in which the whole game can participate is what is needed.
  4. L1LOne

    L1LOne Active Member

    Exactly :cool:
  5. slave

    slave Member

    feel free to look me up in arena and see if i quit, i wont be hard to find, you can test your clicking skills out against me.....

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