What exactly constitutes bullying?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by polishpimp, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    If you would actually go by the real definition of bullying instead of your made up definition you'll notice that is is bullying someone.
  2. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    And if you realized that the were fighting games in which hits, slaps, bounties and kills are both necessary and rewarded...in other words the point of the game...than u might realize how silly it is to say that someone is being bullied. Saying someone is being bullied in a game such as this is akin to saying that someone is overeating at a pie eating contest.
  3. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    I'm not saying people should lay off. I'm proud to call myself a bully :D. Within 5 minutes of me getting to level 300 I was chained like hell and sent the message to hitlist me more. A fighting game is a fighting game, and it is silly to COMPLAIN about bullies, but you can't just go ahead and deny a definition just because it fits in with the gameplay. It's like saying "Bully" the game is about picking on people so it's not bullying lmao.
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    ahhhhh....i hear ya. But Im looking at things from a slightly diff angle. If someone has joined a fighting game like this....it would be similar to a boxer entering the ring, just because he got the snot kicked out of him doesnt mean he was bullied....it means he got the snot kicked out him....lol. So your definition of a bully may be correct.....I just dont see how the term bully and its def can be applied to games such as these. Its actually silly how often the term bully gets thrown around when it simply doesnt apply, I prefer to think of it as getting out played, making the wrong move, Just not where i need to be quite yet etc etc. Basically taking responsibility for my own actions or accepting of the fact that there are just better or more experienced players or I just havent had the time to get my account to where it needs to be quite yet. I play all the games and have some success in a couple of them and without a doubt the most satisfying thing has been when finally overtaking a looooooong time nemesis. Unfortunately a lot of people just dont get that,,,,they just dont have what it takes to endure and push ahead. They're kinda like liberals who would rather just complain, make excuses and ask for a level playing field for free despite the fact that the others worked hard to get to where they are (u know...the "bullies"...lol)

    BtW....love the name!
  5. Well not all can be expected to waste several hours a day on a game... so its easy for a high level to keep a low level dead...
    Its a shame your passion didn't fall on ZS, I would make sure you got a nice welcome when you reach level 300. Think I could convince a few to help out ;)
  6. Mr Killer Man

    Mr Killer Man Active Member

    Is it bullying when a higher level get into a fight with someone near their level but get their butt handed to them so they go after the other guild members? I just started playing viking clan about a month ago and the highest level player is listing me daily unprovoked. I can't list them or buy a bounty trap. All I can really do is drop out of officer position and hide which will not work since my link is on their page. Oh yea! I can talk plenty of trash which ended in me getting 44 bounties. I'm not worried about what happened today I caused that. All I had to do was die and log off like a punk which I am not! I will not back down even thou I can't fight this person and win. They've got all the advantages.
  7. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    Oh please. When I hit level 300 you started "chaining" me while i was already in negative and didn't even put me down to max. You couldn't keep a low level dead if you tried
  8. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    is this on ms or fb? if its not me then im happy to help ;p
  9. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    That is so cute. Perhaps youve never read any of my posts on this subject. There is nothing any player can do regardless of level that can stop any other player from advancing. Its been proven time and time again. Everything depends on the player themselves....if they are getting stopped...they are allowing themselves to be stopped.

    Really....your gonna blame it on how much time one has to play? You get out of it what u put into it, pretty much like anything else. Sour grapes much?

    Please, if ZS would have been my passion.....I would have just kept on marching and nothing would have stopped me but myself if I so chose. I eat "nice welcomes" for breakfast and crap em out to make room for lunch, by the the time I was done with dinner ,,,,,,it would be me serving you your "just desserts" ;)
  10. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Yeah for a little bit on FB viking where I'm not even eligible for arena..I was havin some fun by taking a challenge.

    Provoked quite a few high level players..got listed over and over..kept on healing lol(actually hit the math equation healing so much)

    Did it stop me??Nope.

    Was I laughing the entire time?Better believe it.

    Found it nice that a level 900 had a BIG base bounty especially when i was lowering it the best I could.
  11. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    There's a healing math? I know back when I was still a really low level I would sit that and spam heal through over 100 lists and never got math, only for the hitlist.
  12. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Yeah I was being hitlisted and just healing like a madman(didnt stay up very long but did keep spamming heal)

    Ran right into that math equation and didn't realize it at first.

    Wonder how long I could click it before it froze me.

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