way to go kano, you ruined the only good thing left in zombie slayer

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by slave, Nov 8, 2012.

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  1. raindogs23

    raindogs23 Member

    So a fast internet connection and using a particular browser is somehow against the rules, or someone's ridiculous sense of moral aptitude. Y'all can have arena. I've won and placed more than most. Enjoy your reversion to the mean.
  2. Angie Beliveau

    Angie Beliveau New Member

    Thank you Wonder bread for looking at what I had to say. :)
  3. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    If I'm focused on it and trying i can get 7-8 clicks per second
  4. slave

    slave Member

    well id sure like to join the masses in whats going on, since apparently i have no idea what you are referring to
  5. alka

    alka Banned

    Well done,Kano on cleaning up yer act.
    As for the moaners on here, I guess you really didn't want to stamp out cheating... haha and oh, hahaha

    By the way, I didn't know about this feature, and I thought I was quick on the mouse.. :)
  6. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    I wanted to jump in here again and provide a little clarification on why this came about. As you know, we currently have four active games, most of which use many of the same features and mechanics. The Battle Arena is one such feature that was developed with all four games in mind, and rotates through each game periodically.
    A few weeks ago, during a Battle Arena in Pirate Clan, a player revealed an exploit in the arena through their actions which clearly unbalanced the feature and removed the fun and competitive nature of the arena. Because of this, we made a few fixes to the feature to correct the exploit, and implemented the throttling feature to ensure that a similar exploit would unbalance the game.
    The "running out of steam" mechanic was added in during the latest Pirate Clan Battle Arena that began on Monday, which minimal impact on the game. Because of the minimal amount of impact it had on the game, while keeping the game exploit-free, we decided to implement it for future arenas in our other games as well.
    The mechanic wasn't added to limit or promote any particular play-style, but simply prevent exploits from dominating the arena. Because of the reports we've had so far, as well as additional testing performed in-house, we will be adjusting the limits slightly to ensure that players playing with our Terms of Use aren't being affected.
    We appreciate everyone who's participated in the discussion so far, as we know you all want what's best for the game and the community. I will be closing this thread, but if you have any additional thoughts about this issue you're welcome to email them to community@kanoapps.com
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