[LCN] Update to how Ranking is Determined in the Battle Arena

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Augmented the heavy attackers? Ide argue that the attack slider helped the defensive built accounts. Where once their defensive stance did not allow them to sit in defense for the minimum of 10 hrs it once took to finish an arena.....that changed overnight with the addition of the slider. Why did defensive accounts deserve that huge boon? In the end there will always be those who debate on both sides of the argument but to me its its quite simple....all one has to do is look/read at the stated intent/purpose of why the arena came to be in the first place. It was created for PVP minded players.....sitting in defensive stance the entire time doesnt fit that bill.

    I think its also important to note the handicap which hurts the high attack players and actually helps high defense accounts in that they can beat players they normally wouldnt. Now thats a penalty. Your right....players can build how they want.....but they shouldnt get an unearned edge for doing so.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2013
  2. meezy

    meezy Member

    If someone was strong enough to stay in it without even lifting a finger..whats the point of penalizing them?? Thats why some of us build our characters that way..am i wrong?? I guess i just dont get what the point is. Are you trying to reduce the fun and reward of building your character a certain way?? I thought we had the ability to do whatever we want to in regard to how we build our character or even the way we play??What you are doing is basically telling those of us with good or better than average defense or whatever to go suck it. That may not be the intention, but thats the way it will come out. Just sayin'
  3. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    The point is that players that are strong enough to "stay in without even lifting a finger" did not use to be able to do so with such regularity. That UNEARNED advantage was handed to them as a gift in the form of the multi attack slider. Where once an arena took a mimimum of 10 hours it now takes only a few hours ( most of which is spent waiting around for those sitting in defense and not lifting a finger.)

    The arena was suppose to reward balanced builds (kanos words not mine). The arena was designed and implemented for those who enjoyed PVP action yet had very lil of it in the regular game (kano once again). Not lifting a finger is not PVP. In-active players are not being penalized in the slightest...they are simply not playing the arena as it was designed to be played. How can anyone argue that someone who does nothing or expends zero resources deserves anything in an aspect of the games that was designed to reward the exact opposite? Once upon a time when the arena lasted much longer there was more balance and strategy because players couldnt rely solely on defense....if they wanted to be successful (luck aside) then they would at somepoint run outta stance and have to man their accounts at least long enough to stay alive and out last the defensive stance regeneration duration, thats not the case anymore. With the advent of th slider players could just sign up forget about it and come back to collect their rewards while players who actually played the way it was intended and used in-game resources got the short end of the stick. At least now with this update it forces players to at least participate for a few seconds. Thats still lame but its a step in the right direction. Its suppose to be a battle arena not just another lottery.
  4. Instead of playing whack-a-mole with the rules, why not just get rid of the multi-attack slider?
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Yep...I agree. At least adjust it down
  6. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I was not allowed to opt out,and as a result... Your Rank is 245! During the last Battle Lottery you gained 0 XP! I guess my strategy of sleeping didn't work very well this time... 292 total entries, only 59 active... yes, this was definitely worth it! I wonder what the feedback would be if only active players participated, and there were no inactive players to attack at all? It seems to me that a select few players can simply switch on auto-pilot and get a pile of levels every 2 weeks... the arenas have become just another calendar for some, and a lottery for most...
  7. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Ha ha if FB players who join future arenas and don't participate for whatever their reasons and eventually players start to notice the new feature about inactives , it could start to look like them myspace arenas lol time will tell :)
  8. meezy

    meezy Member

    The only things i would add are this..for personally, sometimes im in and active, i do not soley rely on Defensive stance..i do attack. however there are times when i have signed up, and completely forget when the BA is..lol I never knew or cared how the slider affected the game as I very rarely use it..save for bosses..it is nice to be able to control how much stam you use on a boss.. For something like the arena though..im not so sure of its effectiveness..I supposed for me, its only when you're going in for the kill..you wouldnt just burn stam with 3 stam attacks..would ya??
  9. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    It's a shame that this change was not advertised with an in game news link (like for the flags, loyalty rewards, skill point allocator change, weekly TGIF updates, etc.)
  10. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    I put it in with that week's TGIF which was promoted through the in-game news. I figured more people would read the TGIF than a singular news post, especially since I also promote the TGIFs on the Facebook app pages for the games.
  11. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I see. So major, game-changing updates--such as the flags, loyalty rewards, and the skill point allocator change--warrant their own in game news feed links, and minor changes such as this one are simply included in the weekly TGIF posts. Would that be accurate?
  12. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    TGIFs are round-ups of the major news events of the week and that has been the case for some time. Considering that the announcement was brought out the day before and was included in TGIF in large, bold letters and is viewed by a large number of people, I thought that was sufficient. Obviously we cannot guarantee 100% coverage as there will always be people who don't check TGIF or even read the news feed. TGIF posts and forum posts often get shared around player groups as well.
  13. meezy

    meezy Member

    As a general rule.. we hear things..get curious, come to the forum..sometimes the higher levels share links to stuff..pretty hard to miss unless perhaps you're not around as often..which i could understand. We do have lives outside the games :)
  14. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    How was this update a game changer? Whether one purposely decided or through happen stance could not be active how were they adversely affected? They still got the free XP for signing up did they not? Its not as if prior to this update inactive players were some how guaranteed a better rank and rewards. Regardless of choice or circumstances the outcome for inactive players has been left up to fate both post and prior to this update.

    Out of all the inactive players(the majority) how many do u think signed up up with the intention of actually playing it? How many do u think signed up with no intention of contributing just in hopes of getting lucky and the free sign up XP? I guess we'll never know but If I had to place a bet Ide def be betting on the latter.
  15. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Too be fair, Kano encouraged people/players to sign up regardless if they were able to play or not, I know for me I won't be signing up anymore, cause my MO was to sign up way ahead and if I could play I would if not I didn't but I am not gonna keep checking every day in four games for when it starts , day/time etc. I was against inactives when the arena first came out, argued it till blue in the face, and finally gave up and adjusted my thinking to Kano saying sign up anyway, well sorry but , no, not gonna sign up anymore, and no longer gonna adjust my thinking, got enough adjusting to things in life,like my job and their way of doing and changing things, than for a game that is supposed to be fun and a way to leave real life behind a few hours a day. PS I gave a decent health bonus for being killed,but Ha Ha no more :p
  16. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Interesting. A post in an LCN thread from a Vikings player.

    I thought we were in more agreement on this, Polish. And I actively play all of the games in which I post comments (I generally refrain from posting in Zombies threads, unless it is a general comment).

    Everyone has always gotten free XP for signing up, active or not. That has never been much of an incentive. It IS as if prior to this update inactive players had a chance to get rewards no higher than rank 50, which was implemented by Kano months ago as a result of all of the complaints at THAT time. Now, inactives have NO chance of getting anything else. Fate has nothing to do with the arena rankings. Are you saying that it is simply due to "fate" that you normally win? You are very fortunate, indeed!

    Part of the problem seems to be all of the threads on arena topics. There is no centralized place where all of the feedback can be collected, and posters can't seem to remember the comments they have made on various threads. At least, there wasn't before now... http://forums.kanoapps.com/showthrea...e-Battle-Arena As promised in yet another thread, I have had some time to put all of my thoughts together and post them in one location, rather than going back and forth to different threads. This should help refresh your memory and answer the other questions that I did not answer here.

    P.S. I think Linda sees the points that I'm trying, apparently in vain, to make.
  17. meeebrah

    meeebrah New Member

    I Guess i wont be playing battle arena any more to many big heads anyway.
  18. meeebrah

    meeebrah New Member

    I agree with you meezy.
  19. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I play all the games as well and despite my level in LCN I still have a top 5 arena finish while being active and zero assistance. Ive also a couple top 10 finishes in ZS and a couple of wins in PC. Although VC (apparently u r aware of my record there)is my fave I consider myself more of a kano apps player rather than just a VC player. Hopefully my resume is sufficient enough to make my comments here in a LCN thread a lil less "interesting" ;)

    I think weve been in agreement or least partial agreement on many things Jared.....but I dont believe the update to how inactives were ranked was one of them.

    I dont understand how u can say the free XP is not much of an incentive, players have been signing up from day 1 with no plan on participating in anyway. it may not be an incentive for you and thats your prerogative but why wouldnt someone do a couple simple clicks to get free XP? The vast majority of players that signed up for the arena have been inactives all the way back to the first arena. With the exception of the first arenas when curiosity was at an all time high I would venture a guess that the ratio of active players in comparison to inactive players has remained roughly the same despite the actual drop in overall participation.

    You continue to make a point that inactives dont get this or have had this or that taken away.....but Im yet to hear why u think inactive players deserve anything for doing nothing.

    Yes...inactives results depend on fate. If they are not manning there account its up to fate when they pop up on someones radar and whether or not somebody takes em out 5 minutes into the arena or 5 minutes before it ends. Yes defensive stance may also play a role but for far fewer than u might think...its possible to take all but a very few out in defensive stance. im not advocating that nor is that routine for me...im just sayin. Although active players results do depend somewhat on fate such as who finds who and when....they are still in control of most of it. I prefer to control my fate and earn my rewards as much as i can by actually playing....call me crazy.
  20. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Inactives, whether they can play, remember to play bother to play, use def mode,don't use def mode are fodder for actives to gain kills and health and continue playing , as well some on FB (PC) who use alts to further their kill stats, so to say inactives don't serve a purpose or should be disregarded is a bit selfish , either way, if I notice an arena is starting and it is a good time for me at that moment, I may join,as I have said I have plenty of PVP in all 4 games ,so if it is PVP I want I have it, and no one is gonna get a better ranking off my dead character in the arena in the future :p so it is written so it is done :)

    PS I see both sides of the coin, some don't seem to or want to.

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