[PC] Update to how Ranking is Determined in the Battle Arena

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    sorry to hear you have been sick. this new change will ( IMO ) make the arena better for everyone that have just missed out on awards because they didnt make the top 100 but deserved the rewards
  2. TabithaMoon

    TabithaMoon Active Member

    Thank you :) .

    Yes, it will. The only people I see complaining are the ones who don't actually play, anyway, so they won't be missed if they "boycott" lol.

    I just looked through the final results and while I would like to see that minimum attack requirement raised from 100 hits (takes less than 5 seconds to do that), it's a great start!

    I would, also, like to see them work on the defense stance time. No one should be allowed more than 2 hours in defense mode. I don't care what their defense is. Actually, I think that configuration is messing up, anyway. When I first started playing in the Arenas, my defense stance would last up to 2 hours. Now with my defense being more, I can't be in defense mode for longer than an hour. Sometimes it is 40 minutes and I'm not the only one who has noticed this. There is no way defense mode is calculated based upon the player's defense as the info suggests. At any rate, no one should be allowed to be in defensive stance for the entire game. It's a BATTLE Arena. Not a SPECTATOR Arena.

    I'm still thankful for the work KANO has done and is continuing to do here. Mi7ch says they are still tweaking it, so I hope they look into these areas, as well.
  3. That arena actually ended? The one on server two is still down to the last two. For some reason, they won't end it. No one is able to get any rewards until those two decide to end it. Well, looks like everyone will have to wait to collect their rewards. That was the side effect to this change after all. No one can collect their reward until the arena ends. The way it was before, it didn't matter how long the final players dragged it out, if you were in reward tier, you could collect instantly. Now you have to wait until the arena actually ends.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
  4. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I did well as usual,and I would be more impressed with someone fighting in the arena as well as the regular game,hiding out behind a game name in the arena and yet fight stats in the game look like someone playing farmville, does not impress me at all,

    As far as def mode time, if people have a short time that is the way they have their game set up ,a player in the 2,000 or 3,000 level area is no way gonna have the same def time than a higher level player unless they are all defense, so that is comparing apples to oranges, I experimented(by accident lol) with my def time last arena, I had changed my loadout before hand ,forgot and didn't change it to my normal arena loadout and had a shorter times, Higher level players have more skill points garned thru their game play and where they put them is their business and they should not be short changed cause someone is thousands of levels below and is weaker ,that makes no sense.
  5. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Sorry Tabitha. If you can't figure out why your defensive mode went down others should not be punished because of it. For that statement right there taking away from players who have built there account a certain way is wrong. We have been down this road numerous times. Every player will build a account to there own gaming style. It will help them the way they choose to play. So no the defensive mode should not be limited. If you can get it for however long more power to you. But you still have to make the requirements. And majority of the defensive mode riders do not even try that. They just ride the list hoping for a reward. However i would like to see one thing done the final two players in the arena have to complete the arena in 3 hours or less since kano won't allow collections until after arena is finished. Which they changed the policy on that so that should be looked at again. One arena two players left kept it going for a day in half no hits at all. Didn't matter since rewards could be collected.
  6. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    The amount of time one has in defensive stance is based on ones overall percentage of Skill points allocated to defense and their loadout.....so higher level players have no advantage at all in that department. Actually.....higher level players usually tend to have much higher percentage of SP allocated to stamina (vc, pc, MW) than their lower level counterparts because they have much more need for it as the XP needed to level is much more. So it can easily be argued that higher levels actually have less time in defensive stance on average.

    Defensive stance times do need to be tinkered with. Defensive minded players tend to get a bit upset when this idea is suggested but to be frank....they just dont get it. No one is suggesting that defensive built accounts should be the only ones to have their time in D. stance shaved....everyone across the board should have their time shaved equally, this way the disparity (advantage or disadvantage) between diff players attributes would remain exactly the same as it is now. The difference this would make is that players couldnt rely solely on defense to go far into the arena. Strictly for simple example sake....If player A) has 100 minutes of def. stance and player B) has 10 min. of defensive stance and kano shaved 10% of everyone's defensive stance time than the difference between the two players would remain the same as it was previously. Players would keep the exact same earned edge based on SP allocation they may or may not have had previously but the arena would be more in keeping to what it once was before the attack slider.
  7. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    well thats your loss for nt wanting to participate in any because it give out good xp and now if you participate the inactives arent going to place ahead of you, and i think that is pretty nice
  8. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    As someone who does not use the stamina slider, I usually don't even give it a thought, still would not matter,if Tabitha's idea was even remotely considered most players who are a higher level are gonna be stronger than a lower level and especially if they are a balanced player, it just stands to reason. Most of the high levels I know are strong in attack and defense, health, what have you cause they play and level and do bosses and utilize all aspects of the games longer and harder than lower levels . Just about everyone uses their def mode at one time during the arena, and if it is too long for anyone who had a shorter time I can bet ya, those defense skills are high and it is cause of their ""regular"" daily game not because they want their def mode longer. lol, If you fight in the regular game it is easy to see how much stronger or weaker anyones is against another opponent. The daily game is where it is at not some feature every two weeks for a few hours.
  9. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Don't see how hard it is to see my point, as I join/joined those arenas way way before they are scheduled to begin, I have no idea two weeks before what time it will start when I am EST and Kano is some totally different time zone, I just blindly joined. stupid me, won't make that mistake again, that is for sure, I will just eat the waste and move on. I rather play the regular game, I don't need no "stinking" arena to fight, I fight daily in my games , unlike others :p
  10. I fail to see how defensive stance is relavant to this thread.
  11. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Ha Ha good point :)
  12. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Its not surprising that u dont get the relevance... unfortunately most members seem to think things are simpler than they actually are and dont tend to get how one small thing effects another(the big picture). The objective of these forums is to share ones opinions and ideas in effort to bring about a better understanding and a beneficial outcome for as many as possible. Unfortunately that cant usually be accomplished by a quick blanket statement as its the details that are of the most importance

    The reason for this update is that to many inactives were ranking highly and getting rewarded better than those who actually participated as intended. Among the reasons why this was happening is that defensive stance times are now out of proportion with the duration of many of the arenas in large part due to the implementation of the attack slider. Rather than than just putting a band aid on an open wound as Kano has done here...players are attempting to address and correct the actual problem that has brought on the current result. Better?
  13. ben

    ben Active Member

    i dont see the relevance in df stance in this thread ... was there a thread all ready on df stance ???
  14. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Ok I will bite, how does a 3 stamina slider, affect, anything , for instance ,, my def time is what it is because of how I choose to put my skill points in def or any other area,despite an arena , before arena's became a feature and could care less , I play my game for the regular game, how does that small difference of 1 stam to 3 stamina gonna make a difference on my def mode time and why should it if you believe it does . I don't use the 3 stamina anyway. If anyone has a problem with 2 more measly stamina used on each attack, the I suggest you get kano to remove this ""monstrous"" slider , ( sorry that was sarcastic , but I thought kinda funny) .
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2013
  15. Yes I did some digging and found quite a few threads on this. Defense isn't part of this thread and is actually caysed the thread to derail ftom yyhe OP.
  16. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Im sure youve read the explanation numerous times but since u asked so nicely I will gladly repeat it...lol.

    When arenas only allowed 1 attack per they lasted hours longer than they do now with the multi attack slider. Obviously there are variables and extenuating circumstances in each particular case ....but Its still pretty obvious that the length of most arenas have been drastically reduced upon the implementation of the multi attack slider. Although you may not use the the slider....most of the arena participants Ive spoken to say they do. If most indeed do use the slider which allowed 3 attacks rather than 1 I think its pretty safe to say that the arenas duration have been cut somewhere between 1/2 to 2/3 the time.

    What once took approx 10 or more hours to complete now takes about 4 on average. Before the multi attack slider player s could not spend the majority of an arena in defensive stance, after the implementation of the slider it has become common place and is a large reason as to why so many inactives end up ranking well. As players continue to level and add to defense its only going to be a short matter of time before players have far more stance than an arena usually takes to complete.

    Its clear that being inactive was/is not the point of the arena. Its great that Kano finally made a point of illustrating that for all of us even further with this update but I dont really see the point of it if those same players will soon be dragging out arenas even longer with ever increasing defensive stance times. At least before the implementation of the slider when arenas took much longer players still had something to do because it took longer to take an opponent out due to only 1 attack per. With ever increasing defensive stance times arenas will also take longer and players will just be sitting around twiddling their thumbs waiting for players to come out of it.

    The number of participants in a given arena can play a large role in terms of duration as well....thats why Ive suggested previously that the amount of defensive stance be scaled back evenly across the board dependent on participation numbers of a particular arena in an effort to make it more proportionate and to further fine tune the balance between attack and defensively built accounts.
  17. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Glad to see ya made it back from your sabbatical Ben. Still up to your old tricks eh? My post u quoted clearly shows why defensive stance is relevant to this thread. As u well know and have pointed out yourself on numerous occasions ....the lines between one subject and the next often times intersect. Its necessary to dissect the frog and study its different parts individually to truly understand what makes the frog tick...no?
  18. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Then may I suggest you ask kano to rid the arena of this 3 stamina slider, if indeed you feel so strongly , players will advance it is the nature of the game as well as getting stronger, in all areas from health to attack and defense, as well as how much stamina, well at least for the daily serious players , while the willy nilly players will still just play bare minimum and then complain when they cannot keep up or compete with those that""Play"", rather than ask for players defense time which is part of the arena since day one, be tweaked. The slider is the newcomer :p
  19. ben

    ben Active Member

    i beleave this up date was on inactive players in the arenas but who knows i could be not seeing what your talking about in the up date ... so what happen about staying on topic here and not throw the thread here ...
  20. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    The removal of the slider or lowering it to only 2 attacks per has been suggested on numerous occasion by both myself and others. Personally I love the slider but recognized its down side early on...especially when it came to low participation arenas. Personally I think participation numbers should dictate if there is a slider and if there is....than how many attacks per

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