I completely agree that those that have shown that they are just there to be hateful and cruel need to be dealt with. We just differ on those that just get fed up with those that have gotten away with it for a long time. I suspect we agree more than we disagree it's just that we see it differently in our wordings. I do not condone anything that is a personal attack for the most part. But for instance, we have a lot of folks in ZS that are just so over the top that we all know it's all in good fun. My fear is that those trying to enforce this that are not in the game cannot tell the difference between cruel intentions and an isolated incident. I feel that folks that are trying to stand up to creeps shouldn't get the same thing as folks that continually harass people.
To answer your question, It really isn't very often I'm called a liar. I'm simply too well known for being honest to a fault. So they prefer to go after me for being a bully when I haven't done anything or to go to my personal life to try to hurt me.
Let me give an example that might help you see what I mean. I had a guy in WC that tracked down outside of my FB and the game where I worked and lived and began posting this information into wc. My BF went off on the dude. Would it be fair to ask him to stand by while some creep put me personally at risk? Now I'm a fairly hot tempered gentle person so I handle things different then a lot of folks but I can't honestly see that it is wise of kano to take the chat privilege away from the one that is just trying to keep someone he cares about safe. A time out. A few days to cool off maybe. But to ban him for that is in my opinion not only unfair but detrimental to stopping the crap.
But this is where I say when people go personal it is a serious thing. I've had entirely too many threats outside the game from people that are trying to gain the upper hand in a simple point and click game. THIS is unacceptable. And while kano can do nothing about the outside messages, they CAN hammer those in the game that have shown IN the game that they go this route.
We all have our triggers. And I think folks that generally speaking the players of the game respect should have some element of warning instead of banning. If we ban everyone for going off on a bad day we will soon have no one speaking. It's happened a few times within our game. WC is no longer the fun it used to be. Too many are banned. Many that haven't had the history of being cruel just went out of bounds. So a point system seems more fair. Not based on reports but based on independent research.
I'd even go so far as recommending something like FB did. An automatic ban after a certain number of reports on one player's statement. Not ideal as it can be abused entirely too easily. But when someone's enemies are reporting someone and 20 people hit the report button instantly someone has more than likely gone way too far. If the entire group reading has reacted, this leads more credence than if someone constantly reports.
I'm not sure the solution. I think I'd just rather go back to the old days where bans didn't happen often so you knew when someone got their chat taken away they had proven time and again they couldn't handle social interaction. And let the gamers regain some of the policing. Get rid of all the ways people can hide from retribution.
alas, another book. I suck at succinct speaking

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