It has been my experience that when unlocking a turf war in a new city, the first shot always gives a Single Hit Payout.
It is for this reason that when you start the new turf war you cannot first ask for help from your friends, you must use the first shot and then it "unlocks" the help request button, because it's different.
I do not know if this is still the case for upper level Turf Wars or if it was not implemented when the change to the shots was put in place, because I just unlocked the Paris Turf War, noted that I could not ask for help until taking the first shot, then braced myself for the big one, and nothing. Not even 7200 xp.
Is this a glitch?
(And before you comment: Yes, I know that they can't all be winners.)
FOLLOW UP: So the first shot after I "unlocked" it was a Single Hit Payout, but I still feel like I was cheated and probably should have gotten two.
Last edited: Apr 18, 2013