time to increase the the inactivity penalty in the battle arena

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by polishpimp, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I must be living in a cave....when did this happen? Still needs to be increased or happen sooner though, or some other alternative.
  2. slave

    slave Member

    i havent seen health decreases in anyone since like arena 3, are you sure the code is still in the arena for this health degradation???
  3. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    It happend last round for sure. First time I noticed it. People keep saying its been there tho. I think it just magically apeared on the zs arena last round.
  4. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    thats exactly why i rarely go into them looking to play for the long haul anymore....sure the levels and battles drops are decent enough but i could care less about leveling...levels will come no matter what i do or how fast i do it and id rather spend my refills on a GT boss getting way less exp and craftable drops that will help me out alot longer than a rare battle drop from a mid level that will only last another few hundred levels or so. you and jj know for a fact that the rewards are so mundane that i dont even care where i finish...how many times have i played and told one of you to take me out whenever im done whether its 2 hours in or 6 hours in? almost every single time within the past 5-6 months. sure i can build my health up and just coast to the top 10 every time but as ive told you both plenty of times id rather earn my position and if im done with it when there are 200 left or 101 left and im just outside of reward range i dont care, i want out. sounds kind of stupid but then again so does a 10 fp reward for using what amounts to be a 70 fp usage of stamina. and thats from someone with a higher than average max stamina...i know people higher than me and have half of what i do and would have to use well over 100 fps just to equal the amount of attacks i had to get the same reward if theyre lucky. why are the most faithful, longest tenured players being treated so unfairly? should not the rewards be based on level and amount of activity? even if activity is completely ignored, at least reward those that have put so much time, effort, and money into the game as well as they should be. the way things are now is just a total smack in the face and a complete joke.
  5. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I am curious I know the LCN fb arena can last a bit longer, but how long do most arena's last, in the pc fb one it is over in less than a day most of the time with maybe the last few fighting it out. I never kept track of the other games arena's do they last long enough or this to be an issue?? so zs and vc on FB do they last really long.
  6. Adam Maguire

    Adam Maguire Member

    The FB VC Arena doesn't last long at all. It started @ 6am, I took an hour break to work, finished about 11am in 29th place. Maybe 2 hours after that for the last few players. 7hrs ish.
  7. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    msvc arena usually lasts around 12 hours or so with about 6-12 players doing all the work give or take a few
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Great post Demonik...its spot on! I dont think its stupid at all that u dont want to just coast to the finish or continue to throw FP away . It is a testament to how bad the rewards really are that a longstanding and distinguished PVP player such as yourself would purposely drop out of the event that was specifically designed for players such as yourself. Honestly....it doesnt even matter how much FP gets spent in relation to the prize......the fact is that 75 favor points equates to almost nothing at the higher levels. I totally agree that all the rewards should be in relation to ones level...not just XP and coin. Why wouldnt FP be the same? That makes as much sense as a level 10k getting the same battle drop as a level 1k, its great for the level 1k....completely useless to the 10k
  9. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Most i see last between 9 and 14 hrs. Long enough that it takes a lot of dedication to see it through to the end, yet short enough that u cant really walk away from it to long or you'll end up dead.
  10. Adam Maguire

    Adam Maguire Member

    All true but would increased rewards really help with the playing of it? Unless it's a dramatic increase.
    Even if they double it. That's only a little more than I spend and not a chance in hell of me being able to win.
    So dramatic increase in my opinion would be multiply by 5.. But the inactive still won't play. It won't fix anything.
  11. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    adjusting the rewards isnt about fixing anything with the inactives, its just how it should be. its extremely frustrating to spend over 7 hrs in the arena, finishing 4th, spending 70 fps, stamina boost, daily reward just so i could get 10 fps....at least add a decent weapon/warrior in the range of the limited items or something if you dont want to dish out more fps...at least then i could say i got the equivalent of 25-30 fps from the rewards....the top 10 should get a hell of alot more than what theyre getting now
  12. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Attacks 57,041
    Kills 69
    Wins 51,001
    Losses 6,491
    Biggest Attack 8,693,787 damage

    43 levels lol(44 if ya count the exp reward at end for ranking 4th)

    Went after all the big ones I could find in that one.

    Now the viking where I was attacking anywhere from extremely small to fair reward but nowhere near big(spare for a few hits on random huge targets)

    Attacks 32,526
    Kills 30
    Wins 28,776
    Losses 3,833
    Biggest Attack 2,026,923 damage
    Status: Dead
    Rank: 158

    43 levels...

    goes ta prove your point pimp.

    This one is a more clear example of how many attacks someone lvl 7900+ would need to get the same levels as a level 3675 needs(not totally clear but a rough estimate)

    yeah yeah ones pc the others vc but same exp jump at that point..
  13. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    So is it possible to get eliminated by the health degradation?

    Say inactive player has been attacked quite a few times and is close to death.

    Would that health degradation kill them?

    Or does a player need a certain % of health?

    I for 1 wouldnt be happy if I was attacking a inactive only to find out I missed it cause of that.
  14. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    lol you and your next to impossible scenarios hahaha you would have to have the worse luck/timing in the history of gaming to pull that one off TP xDD

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