Thoughts on Battle Arena from Kendall
This week we launched an idea that we have had kicking around the office for a while spurred on by requests from players, internal project name is "Battle Arena - Survivor", we are currently collecting feedback from the community and you can read more, rate and provide feedback here:
We wanted to respond to requests from players by bringing in a feature that opened up battle rivals in the later part of the game, that took into account players stats but also introduced enough variability of effectiveness that would allow a lower level player to take down a higher level, which is a drastic change from the current battle mechanics. In the current battle mechanics, a lower level will typically never engage a higher level because they have 0% chance of winning, with the suggested mechanics in the battle arena players will have the opportunity to beat any given player depending on their effectiveness in the battle versus their opponents.
Some feedback we have received so far and our response:
- This sounds like a high level bully arena. This is not true and do not expect it to be the case as lower levels will likely work together to take the higher levels out first, this is after all called survivor and to be the last man standing you may have to form some alliances. If it was meant to be a high level bully arena then we would have left the existing battle mechanic in place where a higher level that is stronger will 100% of the time win, and not only win but clean house, with the effectiveness variability from fight to fight this will not be the case
- Resistance to change comments: another unneeded change, don't fix whats not broken, etc. As players continue to play the game evolves in ways we did not anticipate when launching years ago, new locations are added, new content added etc. As players continue to level and play into new levels of the game rivals will increase / reduce, with the existing battle mechanics it is not well suited to have a high level player battle a lower level player, that is what this addition aims to improve, is allowing a lower level player the ability to take down a higher level player and to give lower level players some incentive to go after a higher level player. Also this is completely optional, so if you are happy with your current rivals and/or never wanted to take down a high level player then this may not be for you.
We are open to all feedback, if you like it let us know. If you don't like it, please let us know and try your best to explain with specific points on the issues that you see and/or what you don't like about it. At KANO/APPS one of our core values is to "Listen to each other, to our community" so help us out and let us know what you think of this new idea. 
Battle Drop UI improvements.
Mobile version changes.
- Mobile Email campaign, Welcome Message to all Active Users
- Mobile Gift Sending
- Mobile Activity Feed => View profile
- Mobile modal hide bug fix
- Mobile Gift accept style bug fix
(Ideas) Crafting - Sort your inventory by "Gifts". Autofill will explicitly show you what will gain/lose in the transaction.(Ideas) Vaccine Boost now communicates how long till you can accept your next boost.
(Forum) Land Sell Bug Fix - Cache was not timing out and resetting
(Forum)(Bug Fix) Level up new location was wrong when levelling via Squad Boss Fight
ZS Boss Extend Time Bug - It was possible to have more than one single or coop boss running if you viewed last result and bought the Timer extension
Seattle location unveiled this week as well as The Fisherman boss.
Boss Share Rewards - Facebook ref string was too long
UN Redesign - Limited and Sale pages show 3 items per row, no more scrollbars
After visiting the lottery and clicking elsewhere within the UN it now properly resizes.
Rivals Fixes
- Rivals sort fix
- Rivals link ordering, swapped button order as originally system
- Rivals now show who was the first attacker and when
Fixed issue with posting to Facebook achievement system
Online tag added under profile pic on faction page
Fixed invite bug where in-game invite wasn't going out when there was a received one pending from the same user
Loyalty Items Updated
Loyalty Items have had their stats increased! You can expect the stats to keep increasing on loyalty items as we release newer and better offer items. Gold and Platinum items are worse than current offer items but better than any items from in game drops (with the exception of calendar drops). Diamond items are around the same level in attack + defence strength of the current offer items. Alexandrite Items are about 10% better than any current offer items in terms of attack + defence strength.
Loyalty items show next tier of locked items.
Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2012