This is why Battle Arenas should go back to the original layout.

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Jon Ward, Sep 17, 2015.


Should Arena go back to the original format with a hit restriction amount or a kill amount to rank.

  1. Yes for Original

  2. No keep the new format

  1. Justin the killer

    Justin the killer Well-Known Member

    yea but then u will know what to do which is keep some of your members alive for almost 3 days which i think that is a stupid move on what u guys pull no offense..everyone should die in that arena an only 1 shall merge alive not the TOP 10 ugghh
  2. YodaYoda

    YodaYoda Member

    I think it's not right when a player that finishes 1st also finishes dead. I believe that the last player standing should rank 1st overall.
    Chasity likes this.
  3. Chasity

    Chasity Well-Known Member

    THat is quite the paradox isn't it?! :rolleyes: Now it is about the fight instead of the finish, which entails different strategy. :)
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2015
    Kirsten likes this.
  4. cricket_jumper

    cricket_jumper Well-Known Member

    How about they run both arenas at the same time. You can only enter one of them, but you have a choice to go in either the LAST MAN STANDING arena, or the MASSIVE SCRAP arena.

    People will vote with their feet then. Im sure one would prove to be more popular than the other based on the amount of people that play in each. But that then allows people that were set for the old arena - or just like hiding, to play in the old style and people who want to have a big fight to play in the new one.
    YodaYoda, Chasity and George Burd like this.
  5. greatM

    greatM Active Member

    All we will end up with is the players that dont want to participte other than getting the 100 atacks will join the old version and those that do want to play entering the new version significantly reducing the the number of tagters to kill. Also a few that want to play may still join the old version to take there chances, having a better chance of winning regardless of which version they prefer. With what goes on already in BA it would be a bad idea.
  6. cricket_jumper

    cricket_jumper Well-Known Member

    Only 60 people got any points in the last BA we played in. Im not sure our BA is working whatever we say about it.
    George Burd likes this.
  7. Applejack

    Applejack Active Member

    absolutely effin not. before what we have now, a handful of players were killing everyone else, and then sitting around for 3 days making everyone else wait to collect their rewards and making it so no one else could get the top arena achievements. funny thing is, now we don't see them anymore because they can't exploit that loophole any longer.
    Kirsten likes this.
  8. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Haha , well that has to be worth the change :)
  9. Jaegermeister

    Jaegermeister Active Member

    i don't even worry about the first "phase". i let someone kill me once, and focus my efforts on the sudden death phase. that seems to work pretty well for me.
    George Burd and Kirsten like this.
  10. Snowtiger

    Snowtiger Well-Known Member

    I focus on the first hour, and then on sudden death. Anything in between is a hit and miss as far as finding a good target before being killed and losing points.
    George Burd and Chasity like this.
  11. greatM

    greatM Active Member

    If only that was true :(:eek:
    Some undesirables use this time to att / kill the accounts that appear just when they are the only active players to get them, would love to say more, but wanting a fair game and posting the facts can be difficult in the forum.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2015
  12. Old Salt

    Old Salt Well-Known Member

    Keep the point system get rid of sudden death. You should not be revived once you're killed. Arena should be short and intense.
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  13. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    the only issue with old arena was the way to long defensive stance, if they didnt have the chance to hide half the event and had to fight there wouldnt been an issue, now there is no real skill in winning but who has the deepest pocket and that makes its a unfair event overall.
    George Burd likes this.
  14. Chasity

    Chasity Well-Known Member

    If I were in charge of tweaking the new BA, I'd keep sudden death because it has all of the fun intricacies of the old BA; and would shorten the amount of time between the beginning of BA & sudden death to be more like 2-3 hours instead of the current 8 hours. Nobody revives themselves hardly after the 1st 1 1/2 hours, so it just becomes a very long interlude between the two sections of play.
    George Burd likes this.
  15. Alice Prospero

    Alice Prospero Active Member

    I'm sure it's been said already but Mitch said the source code for old BA is lost so it will never happen.

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