Things I wish I'd known when I started

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by waldo1984, Dec 28, 2010.

  1. cityfan

    cityfan New Member

    awesome info thanks
  2. Thank you for sharing all this with us. I didn't realize for example that I could only bring one chieftain per level into battle. That comes as quite a relief. I also tested myself by battling someone with 500 chieftains more then I and won the fight. Though it still seemed they were able to bring all their units to bear.

    I'm level 523 with 522 chieftains. Guess I'll need to add a few more chieftains.

    I'm also a "defense" player. I much prefer not to be attacked. I'm fine with leveling more slowly then others. I'm content for now with my low energy and stamina count.

    I'd like to expand on the boss weapons. I absolutely go after any Loki or Skadi, and now Woadlord I can find, doing my best to hit the minimum damage ratio of each boss so I can get the prime drop weapon plus the random drops.
  3. from dragon to woalord is best range for bosses.and like you im a def player.

    lvl 2027 with lvl 2500+ losing when they hit lol.stamina though is a good idea to is ok not to increase.just a suggestion
  4. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    If only my clan would share those bosses more. I can fight my own Skadi, and Loki's drops are great, but I have only seen 1 or 2 Woadlords EVER shared.
    And another thing I've done with bosses (David, this may not apply since you're a lower level) is to specify maximum damage to the bosses I share that are popular. I generally leave a decent gap between the reward number and my limit, but I declan players that ignore my limit (I add them back later) and place multiple bounties on any player that deliberately overkills my boss (some of them curse at me for daring to tell them what to do) so other clan can't get the drops.
    Some players are trigger happy. I always check to make sure of any limit on bosses and stick to it (sometimes I goof and immediately apologize).
    I share almost all my bosses.

    A piece of advice: if a clan member posts a limit, obey that limit!
    Some of my clan have gotten angry at greedy players and only share their bosses through the private messaging system. They share with me because I hit for the minimum damage and leave it alone until the owner asks for it to be killed.

    Thanks for the Bosses tip, AS.
    I balance Attack and Defense and wind up winning attacks AND receiving attacks.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2011
  5. It's about respect. If I post a boss and I place damage limits on it, I expect those limits to be respected. In that case I'm trying to help out as many people as I can with the primary drop.

    I've seen, I think 4 Woadlords and I've been succesful with 3 of 'em.

    Sometimes it's a real struggle at my level to get that drop if I have to do 150k damage or more.
  6. yeah i check to see if its a pattern with someone ignoring limits given as mistakes can happen.but if its constant then i know to list that player

    far as balancing atk/def im well over 3x more def than atk(gettin closer to 4x more def)im a brick.once i reach a certain def ill work on becomin a flying brick lol.
  7. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Flying brick?

    I'm glad I'm (first off) too low level and (secondly) not on the same social network.
    But then I'm not quite level 1400 yet...
  8. oh i got a fb viking as well but lucky you i dont play it
  9. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Lucky me, indeed.
    And speaking of "boss limit respect," there was a group started on Facebook for a chatroom to replace what we lost with the World Boss feed. Some guy is getting pounded because he hogs every boss he joins.
  10. LOL.someone on myspace created a room for that same reason.uncensored i might add
  11. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Facebook = "add me" x infinity
    MySpace = death threats

    But there were a few threats when some guy supposedly sabotaged his Guild's chance at 10 straight #1 rankings.
  12. myspace vc drama MIGHT equal facebook zs drama(not sure on that one)

    wow boot him out of guild and get someone else lol
  13. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    He left the guild...a few hours before the last day ended...without doing his GP.
  14. had that happen with my old armada only it was 3 that left at same time.they at least did there gp but left us scrambling to find replacements
  15. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    If you're a defense player, consider stocking on Bat Armors, too. 46 defense will be with you quite a while. I'm working on stocking up enough Bat drops. Currently the Fairy Drops are my first choice defense weapons. Magic Dusts have 43 defense.

    Most people want to unlock Dragons and higher Bosses, Bats are sent out for killing mostly. More chances to get good defense Items.
  16. im past 46 def at 48 gettin real close to 49 bein my lowest...

    bat armor is good but pales compared to dragon tunic def

    thats why you look for dragons and higher that say kill
  17. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Well, try killing a Level 20 Dragon and a Level 20 Bat. A Bat is easier for the lower Levels to harm. And generally drops more Armors. Therefore my suggestion of going after bats.

    And lower Levels should really try to get their hands on every good def/att item they can get. My FB Viking has some Skadi, Loki, Hel, Dragon, Bat drops already. Really useful and you will use them for a long time if one doesn't make a speedrun, like you did. My first boss drops on FB were Hel drops and I really had to level quite a bit to get my rewards there.

    So, if you're not investing FP in stam refills, go for Bats and higher. You will use it a long time.

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