TGIF! Here’s your development news round-up for the past week! Player Bans June 15 - June 21 As a reminder, the following numbers are permanently frozen accounts, and don't count temporary freezes. FB: 1 KP2: 2 Kong/Armor: 1 The majority of permanently frozen accounts are frozen for being a shared or alternate account. This is something we actively investigate, and we appreciate players reporting suspicious accounts to us. If you have any questions or comments about a frozen account, please direct them through Support as the Forums are not the place to discuss account freezes, because of the sensitive account information involved. New Limited Items! A new week means new Limited Items! Here’s what’s up for grabs: July Monthly Calendar! Next Wednesday is July 1 so you know what that means! ...Canada Day, but also the start of a new Monthly Calendar! It starts July 1 at 10:00 am PDT and runs until the end of the month. New Honolulu Single Boss: The Tourist! Available now! Raid Boss Battle July 2: The Wilder! Next week on July 2, the fearsome Wilder returns! Prepare yourself for battle! Event Survey Results! In case you missed our post earlier this week (, we put up some of the results of the Event survey we sent out a couple weeks ago. You should go read the whole post for information about the other games as well as the general trends we saw from the questions that were a bit harder to present in nice, clean graphs. Based on the survey results, here are the favorite event and in-game activity for Zombie Slayer Support Report with your favorite burrowing nocturnal mammal and Answerpreneur, Aardvark! Happy Friday! Hope you're all doing better than I am right now! It's blistering hot here in Kanopolis and as one of those auspicious individuals with a desk next to a window, I am constantly torn between keeping it open to let in the breeze or closed to shut out the endless sound-tapestry of jackhammers, car alarms and crying toddlers. Some fun facts! As most of you know, the Kano team is relatively small. There are currently 20 people in the company, and of that 4 of us are what we call "LiveOps" - staff dedicated to managing accounts and engaging directly with players through Support, the forums, etc. We try to make sure people know who we are - I like to introduce to LiveOps team members here in the Support Report, and we generally have unique titles on the forums. Many most team members belong to the [KANO] Factions in the games, and have recognizable game handles. We're not often in the game chats, but when we are the system will identify our posts as being from an admin. So, if an unfamiliar person sends you a private message and claims to be representing Kano/Apps or the game, be careful! DO NOT discuss any information about your account, and please let Support know ASAP, especially if it happens inside the game or on our forums! If someone is pretending to be a Kano Team member we want to put a stop to it as soon as we can. Cheers, Aardvark who appreciates the long-standing snack trading agreement she has with mi7ch. Terrible Joke of the Week Here's your lame joke of the week! I went to a zoo last weekend, but it only had one dog. Spoiler It was a shih tzu. That's it for TGIF this week, everybody! Thanks for reading and have a great weekend! Play Now! Facebook Canvas: Facebook Connect: Kano Play Server 2: Kongregate: Armor Games:
I am fascinated by the survey results. They differ so much from what I see from the actual daily players. I wonder how much of it is personality skewed. By this I mean the more extroverted folks are more vocal in the moment while the more introverted folks take the time for surveys. Ah I could explore these types of things all day. But I suppose what I'd like to ask is what kind of participation y'all saw on the survey. In discussing it in the game 1/2 the folks present didn't know what survey I was talking about.
I am suprised how many like the raid boss i find it pretty much a waste as it would take about 40 to 50 un to level playing this half the amount it costs in ba.also i can squeek by with 10 fp per level in the final 3 2x exp points in the end of ba . and also find fw a total waste of un to spend 48 not get enough exp during to level once .
I don't believe these results reflect the game as a whole. boasts a 2million+ player-base for zs so the 148 people responses you got from the survey only represent %0.00024 of your player-base. Try advertising the survey next time, I'd bet you would have got hundreds more responses just by mentioning them in these reports.