HAHAHAHA I got the bestest visual.
That being said, it would be helpful if everyone clarified......Yes Kano does in fact add delay to when we see lists......some slayers might think this is due to lag.
There is often a great deal of lag in the game. Kano, I'm sorry but there is. How do we know? folks talk in wc. We see when a great number of us are experiencing issues.
Sometimes we have pc/laptop/isp issues unrelated, others it's something on Kano's end. I don't think you can convince us otherwise. We simply see times when the game is slow, typically during long events where there are a lot of slayers logged in say waiting for their key for example. other times it seems completely random. But we can tell the difference rather quickly, a pop into wc tells the story.
I will once again recommend, if y'all want a pulse on the game ya need to actually play it for a while. Not pop in try a few things but actually play for a length of time over days and events. You will get the feel for how the game should respond on the user side and when it's not up to par.
Ooops sstarted rambling.....
Short story, yes there is kano induced lag, intentional I doubt. Intentional however is the hitlist delay that STILL no one likes. In fact no one likes the newer hl system. We had so much more fun before the math question (has that actually helped anything?) and before the closing door list when we could have duplicate bounties. At least we all had a shot then.
Anyway, I shall have a great deal of fun picturing the big red self destruct button.... while I try not to throw the laptop through the window or the mouse through the laptop
As always, this is meant with the best of intentions although reading through there are places that sound snotty I can't think of a way to reword it where it carries the tone without the use of inflection

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