TGIF! Here’s your development news round-up for the past week!
Where is All the New Stuff?
During last week’s TGIF I noticed a trend of replies asking where all of the updates or new features are.
Your feedback did not fall upon deaf ears as I relayed to the developers early this week that you guys are hungry for some new stuff and they will be dedicating some time over the next while to bringing out some of the long-confirmed additions and ideas that have been floating around.
While back end-work and bug fixes is important, we can’t forget that new things to do a lot to extend the
longevity of the game. I don’t have any ETA to share with you at this point but I wanted to let you know that your comments have been heard and new stuff is on the way.
Support Report with your favorite burrowing nocturnal mammal and Answerpreneur, Aardvark!
Happy Friday, players!
Chat moderation can be pretty time time-consuming, and since many players have expressed a preference for a light-handed approach, we've started trying out some new approaches to how we respond to reports. Not a big change, just introducing warnings and short-term suspensions in the case of minor issues instead of outright bans.
Just a reminder, serious stuff like threats of real-world violence or slurs on a person's race, religion, orientation, etc will continue to be taken very seriously and will result in, at minimum, permanent removal of chat privileges.
who just found out that a game called Buzz Aldrin Space Rainbow Tennis existed for the Atari. :O
I wonder if I can find a copy?
Terrible Joke of the Week
Here's your lame joke of the week!
What did the vegetables say at the party?
Lettuce turnip the beet!
That's it for TGIF this week, everybody! Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
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