[PC] TGIF...This week in Dev and Community August 19 to 23

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Aug 23, 2013.

  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Why should Kano be constantly updating their games for higher levels? With all due respect Jon...thats the silliest question Ive ever heard u ask. You seem to imply that the higher levels are somehow at fault here. I think its important to remember that the higher levels are only doing what the games allowed for and actually encourage. From day one content has been added on a somewhat regular basis...I think its a pretty reasonable assumption that content ws going to continue being added....dont u? Is leveling up to great heights some type of loophole? If it is ...I certainly dont see Kano trying to close it. The lack of new content for the higher levels has been a problem from very early on...not once have I ever heard Kano say they were not going to continue to add new content to the end in fact its been just the opposite in that they keep promising things for the higher levels yet it rarely happens. Kano is a gaming company...adding new content is what they do for a living....why on earth would they not want to keep all their players happy? What do u suggest thet should be doing right now with their time and resources that we have provided them? add new content for the lesser levels? Thats s what they've done all along....take a look at the current state of the games and tell me how u think that has worke out for them/us. The games are dieing more so every single day....The one thing that has remained constant since nearly the onset of these games is that they have neglected the higher levels....coincidence? I dont think so.....allowing and encouraging players to spend and level up to their hearts content and then punishing them for it eventually has a very adverse affect on nearly all levels....over time it becomes obvious to most levels what the high levels have said all along......that their is no point in trying to move forward and get stronger because eventually it works against you. Players are leaving in droves because they have lost faith/confidence in Kano. Very few players want to continue playing games in which the better u do or the more u accomplish the more u are penalized. Kano neds to add alot of content to the end of the games or just close up shop or at least announce their will be no more content and allow player to make an informed decision....its the least Kano could do. Adding new worlds all the way to level 20k and beyond is a little unrealistic especially all at once but the thing is that kano hasnt even made new worlds that even meet half those levels. New players come and go everyday thats just the waty it is.....but when u start running off players that have been around for years and pay your salaries......thats just bad business, were seeing the results of that now!

    I guess Kano can just keep doing what they have been doing all along and from the sounds of it u would be just fine with that. Me? Ide prefer players quit leaving in droves and the numbers would actually increase....call me crazy.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2013
  2. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Thank you Pimp.
  3. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    We have noted your request for craftable items, it is not and has never been our intention to "screw over" any players in the game.

    Right now we have a bunch of content being prepped and put into a release schedule.

    Battle drops is just one of the areas that we found we could push up to the higher levels without necessarily releasing a new location, crafting is potentially another one but there is a lot more work with respect to game design to get those numbers right.

    You will hopefully notice a lot more being pushed into the higher levels in the coming weeks. Battle drops will be coming weekly (at least that is the plan until we get them to a decent level) and we will be working in other content to push into the higher levels, but also events that are available to everyone in the game like Armada Wars.

    A lot has happened this summer, we have had to shift resources to turn Kano Play from a "hack" to a decent platform and have a couple more projects to knock out on that. We have a pretty cool feature coming out next week to Kano Play that should help improve the social aspect of the site, we were trying to get it out Friday but we hit some hiccups and by the time 5 came around we didn't think beer and releasing a beta feature went hand in hand.

    Anyways, have heard and collected feedback from the players and continue to do so, and we are acting on it.
  4. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    How did they encourage you to spend to your hearts content and punishing you as higher levels as you say. That is again with all do respect Polish one of the silliest things i have heard you say also. That is the same as saying here go buy 100 lotto scratchers and we promise you there is a chance at winning big. Did they force you to know you decided to go by those lotto scratchers in hope of making a huge score. Same thing implies here. If you have played many games as most players have claimed we all know that no game will ever be caught up or near caught up for higher levels. You and you alone built your character whichever way you did whether it be a leveler fighter boss blaster whatever. That choice was yours and yours alone. If you decided to level into oblivion knowing and seeing as many have for 3 years content comes out in a pace usually about every 4 months then you would have known ahead of time that you were going to smack into that wall and have nothing to do. Again being respectful and just having a conversation. Input is more then welcome again.
  5. ben

    ben Active Member

    well the way i see it for just having it ehere to be able to buy and move levels...thats not to hard to figure out...and thats what kano ment buy it dont you think so ward???
  6. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Sorry but i don't make assumptions on what others think or believe. I am just saying from the way i see things and the way you guys have voiced your opinions respectfully like i have. We all saw it coming with the way material is handled in any gaming platform. So you knew when you started this game if you decided to become a cc player or plastic player as many of us have been called. That you would eventually hit that virtual brick wall. Been their done that myself in mafia wars won't say how much i spent on that silly game. But i wish i could go back and kick myself in my own ass for that one. Now i just spend respectfully a certain amount so i know i am not going to waste so much money on a game again. And not put myself in the position as i was in that other game of having to wait and wait and wait for new material also.

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