[PC] TGIF... this week in dev! 04/06/2012

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kendall, Jun 9, 2012.

  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    i understand what your saying and many may feel that way and thats fine with me. but if im gonna go toe to toe with someone.....Im loving the fact Im getting way better XP than they are. Its one of a number of reasons I built it that way. It was perfectly legit, now they want to yank the carpet out from under me...thats pure BS if ya ask me.
  2. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Yes polish they outsmarted me because they took the easy way out and just added attack and stamina real hard to do in a game so complicated to. I think i need a degree to be able to do that. Or at least have made it to preschool and learned my A B C's. No they did not outsmart me or any other player. They took advantage of a loophole in many games which many developers have realized and closed gaps like that in there games were players choose to just use one side of a playing method and expect to be the top players of the games. When you can use everything kano has given you and balance your player with all aspects and be able to beat players constantly then that is the challenge.
  3. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Whatever......this is not some minor lil change. Its game altering. Lets hear the tune your singing when they screw u for having high defense
  4. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Already am screwed in certain aspects.I adapt.It isn't hard.You mean my viking don't you?I'll show you my numbers since I really don't care.
    Health 2514 / 15000
    Energy 107 / 835
    Stamina 84 / 2100
    Total Attack 3931
    Total Defense 8493
    Low health for level and low attack for level.Very screwed in some aspects such as mid level and high level bosses of all types.But I adapt and keep leveling.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2012
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    LMAO....Its a game.....do i need to explain the objective of a game? considering the objective.... whos brighter the guy who added to all his attributes like every other player/sheep and wallows in mediocrity? or the guy who figures out how to win within the rules? In Vc i built a glass cannon.... shot by everyone....and then balanced my account....im now more powerful than the #1 player whos nearly 2k levels ahead and rank favorably in every significant leader board category ...how is that wrong? how is that not fair? and how the hell does that make someone less intelligent than the guy sitting back with the heard awaiting the slaughter?
  6. *wendah*

    *wendah* Member

    ya and that's one of the reason i like the counters. :) at least if youre gonna enjoy gettin' that experience i counter back and attack while youre attacking... and get double the experience at least lol...see...one has a move the other learns a counter. idk how i feel on this, like usual i dont see a big deal. honestly do you really battle enough that you care this much?

    i know, i know...its the principle of the matter...i get it and sorta agree. gonna let it marinade.
  7. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    you made my point clear with what you wrote. You played a certain way and then you balanced your account. to be able to keep up with that player above you and able to beat him or her and keep it that way. If you did not balance your account do you believe you could keep beating that player or them not beating you. And because you balanced that account your probably either receiving more experience for it being balanced in being able to fight those players who also have it balanced since you shot up there. Not against players who did just added to one aspect.
  8. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    In all reality,someone can still have a very low base defense.No one is forcing them to change it.Attackers will just get average XP like they should.Keep a low base defense,more power to you.Pimp,you are a very skilled player and you know you can wiggle out of this mess with relative ease.
  9. *wendah*

    *wendah* Member

    i dont think the difference of a 100 to 200 exp points when you need a bazzillion pts to level at the higher levels isnt much to squack over personally. i do get his point but i also see it as a lousy strategy. imo, it has no bearing on my exp. it feeds muh stats and fills that zomg finally some one is alive and i can attack! yeah! i r winn3r fix...

  10. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    It probably wont . I do not believe it will damper the players who have no defense experience. they still will receive there experience they get from players who balanced there game. It's just the roles reverse were we will be able to get some better experience ourselves that is it.
    And by the way all i asked for was it to be balanced out in 1000's with experiences. Like the majority of fighting games. Most out there if your in the 1000's your going to at least always get 100 exp from every player not under. 2000's 200 and so on for each break in 1000 levels. But when your at level 3000 in a game and you hit a player and only receive 80 exp points or less but when you message them and ask how much they get and they can get almost 300 off you just doesn't sit well. Sorry if you don't like it many players don't and thats why kano finally looked into it and changed it. How they changed it won't know for sure till next week when it rolls out. Even if its just a little bit better its better then nothing.
  11. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Wondering if the difference in xp will be like when, the small amount of xp players would get for hitting back at a cager with no clan, which was really really low, that is was barely worth wasting stamina on and they raised it a small amount, big whoop lol
  12. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    John ...u just dont get it, your not suppose to like it....thats the whole point of the build! You say it wont "damper" because i will still get XP off those with balanced builds....the only diff is that you will now get better XP from me. Like I said before...every build has its pros n cons, I already get less than optimal XP from you because of my extremely high attack.....and now you will be much more willing to hit me because of the better XP, so now its a win win for you and a lose lose for me, you may call that fair......but I call it selfish and wanting something from me that u simply dont deserve. What u deserve and what is fair is the XP that is derived from whoevers particular Def/build allows for.....not some predetermined number of XP, thats why we all have the choice of where to put our own skill points, what u want is to dictate where I put my skill points simply because u chose to put yours in a place that didnt match up well with mine, U dont see a problem with that? Using that logic you should also have a problem with someone going all Defense and no attack right? yeah right...of course not.....because that would work in your favor because all u would have to do is not attack and you wouldnt have to worry about them attacking you.

    The whole idea behind my build is to have very high stamina, health and attack so I can level fast off bosses and still remain strong because of the drops (its also great for bounty hunting). Being a boss leveler while in build mode my focus is on bosses not attacking other players....the whole point of the uber low defense is to deter attackers from attacking while leveling off bosses. The crappy XP keeps most from messing with me because they dont want to waste their precious little stamina on crappy XP. Of course there are those that still insist on attacking relentlessly anyways ....thats when they get a nice healthy dose of the uber high attack or a face full of counters. A player such as myself rarely starts things with a rival....rather this build is made for finishing things once provoked and not allowing some butt munch to get decent XP which spurs them on to attack even more. Like I said before...every build has pros and cons, you may be in my level range and get crappy XP,.....but my low Defense also makes me vulnerable to much lower levels, with an update such as this....both players in my range and the lower levels now both have more of an incentive to come after me. simply because they can beat me and receive decent XP.

    Sure.....there may be some punks out there that build an account like this and go out looking to mix it up with the likes of u, not only is that simply the luck of the draw.....but they are still vulnerable to your lower level clan, thats when u hit that little tab asking your chieftains to help rather than asking for an update to eliminate someone elses strategy simply because u personally dont match up well with it. You happen to prefer a balanced build....thats your choice, its nice that you have that choice but odd that you want to dictate to others and take away their choice. Just a wee bit of hypocrisy there my friend. You a comment earlier that implied that somehow it takes less intelligence to build an account that only takes advantage of a couple of attributes rather than building a balanced account. Personally I dont think anything in these games takes a whole lot of intelligence and I certainly dont think it is any more intelligent to to build a middle of the road balanced account that like 70 % of the other players out there. Now I understand that everyone is different and not everyone wants to progress uber fast in these games.....some r even under the ridiculous impression that leveling fast somehow automatically makes u weaker, thats simply not the case if u do it right. Take me for example.... I like to level fast...i like to see whats around the corner and put it in my rear view mirror as fast as i can, thats just my preference just as u have yours. If you think that somehow leveling fast makes me weaker or less of a player, u r sorely mistaken. Now I dont think for a second that Im smarter than everyone playing these games but I also dont think Im less intelligent because I choose to put nothing into defense. The whole no defense thing is just one stage of many in my builds which actually makes me stronger and gets me to where i wanna go quicker. Personally I think it works pretty well considering Ive been #1 in VC with 2 separate accounts, both of which could not be beat and could beat anyone/everyone well before I got to the #1 spot. My current Viking did it in a matter of months. Although just #2 now I still whoop on the #1 player who is 1800 levels ahead of me. When I started my Pirate I did the same thing... I took that account to the top ten in about 2 months (currently #16 due to lack of play) I havent been playing it much but had plans on doing the very same thing........now its up in the air because of this ridiculous update. Where once I had a choice now i will be forced to play differently simply because players such as your self didnt match up well because of your choices... Thats about as self serving as it gets my friend.

    Ive played these games longer than most and have probably logged more clicks than anyone ....with all that Ive only seen a couple of builds similar to mine that were true pests, and none that didnt burn out pretty fast.... definitely not anything that would warrant a change like this that screws players over just because a bunch of whiners felt it was unfair. I dont wanna hear any crap about Kano obviously thinks it was warranted we all know how they cave to whiners, I can cite a few of your posts if u wish. You said " even if its only a little bit better its better than nothing"....guess thats true if u like getting something for nothing in the form of unfair advantage, even if u receive 1 extra XP off me per attack.....you will not have deserved it....you will have been given it ....kinda like a welfare check...ENJOY!

    Since were bitching and whining about unfairness.... I suppose we all should ask for the XP we previously missed out on served up retro eh? I know I sure could use it.....gonna take me a whole lotta leveling to try and right this old pirate ship. Say.......lets start a campaign asking to get all the wins and corresponding XP we should have got from those players we couldnt beat because they built "tank accounts".....after all who the hell are they for building up their defense like that and neglecting their attack.....thats just not fair...they should have built a more balanced account because thats what we did!

    Be prepared.....I plan on using your logic a whole lot.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2012
  13. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I am basically a boss leveler but have a high defense , and decent in everything else, not necessarily in a hurry to level, prob level 5 times a day , needing over 104340 to level , at this point ( level 3478) I use stam refills , be it from DJ's or the boost and the daily rewards, just not seeing the problem (as of yet) for me I notice if the person has alot of clan I get decent xp from attacking them , so what kind of xp are we talking about getting or not getting from weaker players ?? so still wondering what the hubbub is all about, I must be missing something:)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2012
  14. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Polish,if not for this update,everyone would start building like you.The XP would be so horrid that it would kill the battle list.Why would anyone throw to defense anymore?This was a loophole whether you want to believe it or not.
  15. Old Salt

    Old Salt Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry, those who have been using the "game" as their defense shouldn't be complaining. They should never have built their pirate that way. We had issues with cagers on facebook who were using the fact that they give little to nothing experience payout as their defense so they loaded up on offense. The game should not be substituting as your "default defense" and its long past time that this issue has been addressed.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2012
  16. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Pimp,don't get me wrong.You've made some great suggestions and have some very solid arguments.This just isn't one of them.
  17. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    here is an an example of some one with no clan who just cages me and if I attack back what am I gonna get in xp, before they adjusted it awhile back prob about 7 xp now prob 37 xp he has 180 crew in PC give me a break and this is my first encounter with this DA

    [Delete Game History]

    Cagematch Won
    You be challenged to a Cagematch by
    one eyed pirate shadow with a Battle Boost of 5%. You won gaining 0 coins and 24 XP. You dealt 2217 damage and took 392 damage.

    of course he is dead so I cannot even see what I would get if I attacked back
  18. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Polish i am not going to sit here and keep arguing over a game i have better things to do with my life then sit here and act like kids and who wants the bigger ball on the playground or the better toy to play with. Kano has been aware of this issue for a long time even before i came over to the kano app games players have constantly complained about this feature and low yield of experience. Kano finally decided to look at the feedback and see what all the complaints have been about. And like they said it will be a little bit better its not going to all of a sudden blow up and give players 1000s of points. No its just better then it was. Remember games are not dictatorships for one player to control just because they dropped hundreds of dollars on games or race to be number 1 in a game and think they deserve to be the final verdict since they hold that spot in the game. No games are for all. And once players start insisting things to be looked at and you get that feedback constantly it gets looked at and it has to be adjusted. If you don't like it start a thread and gather similiar players with there feedback and let kano look at the pros and cons from there angle. But like i said it will not impact your experience from hitting players you will still get the better payout of experience. We just get a little more ourselves now.
  19. From my standpoint this change isn't going to dramatically effect the game play of any individual, to the extent where it will become unplayable, or not enjoyable.

    Now the people who pile everything into attack and have an offensive build are notorious for chaining, bullying and generally kicking everyone's butt, this isn't aimed at anyone, and I'm not suggesting all people do this it's just a general example.

    But when people attack back to recoup XP, they are faced with a very little amount of XP, so what this does is it allows the offensive player to progress further, enabling them to further add to their attack attributes, but the player's getting the low XP can't advance as much because of the low XP.

    Yes it might deter people away from hitting you, but these games are all about a balanced playing field why should you get more XP off someone who has a different build to yourself, then think it's OK that these are penalized for hitting you back and getting nowhere near the same amount of XP you can't have it both ways, because in my opinion this is unfair.

    Now what will this change bring? More battles, more whining (no doubt) an even playing field, and hopefully everyone's happy :)
  20. Too funny @Polish

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