im 76% of the way to platinum and have gotten gp every day since beta release on kong... alexandrite is improbable for me unless they change the weight of gp points lol. 1359 days ago. As it is stated though, the higher you get the more weighted towards consecutive purchases the tiers become.
Exactly. How long you have been a daily player has almost no impact. You can't get to the top Royalty tier without spending a king's ransom.
I understand economics. I understand without paying players, none of us would be here. That is why we have raids, after all. That's not my point. My POINT is that you can't reach the top Royalty tier without spending money, and not just a couple of dollars, even if you have been a loyal daily player from nearly the beginning, through all the changes, good and bad.
and I am just saying you don't have to spend tens of thousands, to reach it either, I have been there for some time, and ya even get cool loyalty items with the points
it will take over 1k to reach which is ALOT of money to be spending on any game, thats what he is saying. Any game free or not that requires that amount of money with no feasible alternative to reach the end is in my eyes unacceptable. Sure those few that do spend that much money are keeping the game afloat but that is not the problem at all.
people who spend are not a problem, people who complain about those that do are just whining, and BTW if no one spent, there would be no game, so a cannot have it both ways, everyone makes a choice, to spend or not, for their own reasons....
I'm confident in saying that it is WAY over $1,000.00. And I have no idea why anyone would spend that much on games period, much less ONE game. @neill1990 nailed it in the last sentence in the first paragraph in the quoted post. And how many non-spenders leave each month? Each week? Each day? So the spenders are keeping the game afloat, pretty soon they'll be the only ones left. Will they keep spending then?
Take off your eyepatch and READ THE FUCKING POSTS. I'm not complaining about spending. I've spent some, just not $1,000.00. And I'm not going to spend even more than that just so I can get a couple of virtual items. Especially not when I can get virtual items each day for sending an energy boost now, but that's a different subject. It's not about LOYALTY, it's about ROYALTY. Simple as that. That's why it's in my signature, thanks for proving my point!
And while we're on the subject of ROYALTY, what about those of us that play more than 1 Kano game? Or on multiple platforms? Are you SERIOUSLY telling me that I have to spend the same amount on multiple games to get the top tier? THAT is truly a fucking joke. If anyone paid attention to the forums anymore, I'm sure there would be agreement about that. But instead this will disappear into the ether...
We never said that the spenders are a problem,. the problem lies in the system they have in place which the only feasible way to progress is by spending. And it is not by spending a little sum of money, its by spending a large sum consecutively to be able to progress at a decent pace.
And that's for ONE game. There are 4 games, on 4 platforms I believe? Unless Armor and Kongregate are considered one platform together.
1,000.00 over 6 or 7 years is not alot, at all, and people who can spend will, some people who cannot afford it won't or will and get them selves into financial trouble, but in order to move along in the loyalty tiers, yes you would have to spend money, that has never been a secret , ya have to keep in mind if no one spent, there would be no game, for some who have alot of fun, or retired, etc, enjoy the games enough to spend. I understand your frustration, but no one is gonna leave a game cause other pay to keep it alive, FB platform is alive and well, when someone stops playing for whatever reason there are 10 more joining, I would not even consider it an issue at all. Also just cause you won't or can't or wouldn't spend does not mean others won't , will and do.