TGIF! Development News for September 7, 2018

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by mi7ch, Sep 7, 2018.

  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    That is correct.
    JADES likes this.
  2. TomcaT

    TomcaT Member

    Could A Kano Staff Member EXPLAIN what exploit or flaw there was in the PC Mobile version that it has become disabled. Might whatever have been called an exploit, still be occurring on the phone app.
    Many Many players are vastly successful using their phone app.
    PC userd have BEGGED for a change to to user interface to make it equitable to the ease of attacking and size of the buttons and distance between, that a mouse user has to navigate. KANO has not released any thoughts or information. Do they not care ?
    I challange the staff to divide into two groups for an experiment where 1/2 use App and the other 1/2 use PCs and show us the results. Maybe even create a Youtube Video to show the facts.....................

    Can some metrics be gathered and PUBLISHED as to the number of bounty kills are achieved by way of the phone app as compared to the number of bounty kills are achieved by PC users?
    FEMME FATALE 666 likes this.

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