[FB] Syndicate War clock frozen

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by William Roberts, Oct 19, 2013.

  1. William Roberts

    William Roberts New Member

    The syndicate war clock seems to have stopped at 2:07:41:54.
    I cannot refill my stamina from syndicate wars. Every time I try, I get an error message.:confused:
    I tried to upload a screen shot but the 135kb file was too large for this forum ( I strongly urge KANO to increase the maximum file size from 19.5 kb to 500kb).
  2. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    @William Roberts I'll see what I can do about upping the limit! If you still have the screenshot, can you send it in to Support? Thanks!

    Additionally, it's worth nothing that the client-side (that's you guys) clock can sometimes be a bit off due to the large number of timers we have in the games. It's all running server side so your next action will catch up with the current time and all actions that should have occurred in that time will process as well.

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