My thoughts on this concern those in a guild who may not want to be at war.
I am in a great Viking Clan guild and, at the moment, they value my membership because I get my gamer points in on a daily basis. I would not want to leave but I think that the majority in my guild would be in favour of war.
This would leave me with 2 options:
1. Leave the guild
2. Remain and lose them guild War Points (which would eventually lead to option 1 anyway.)
My solution to this problem would be to create WAR GUILDS/Factions so that those who love to fight could do their thing and the rest of us could continue doing Bosses, Adventures and Challenges with just the minimum amount of battles needed to get our Favor points done. A player would be able to join both a gamer and a war guild if they wanted to.
It seems likely that people will be leaving their gamer guilds to form guilds dedicated to war anyway so why not make it a formal thing.
Another concern is that unlike gamer points there does not seem to be an upper limit on the number of war points you can earn daily so at the moment this favours those with lots of stamina and/or cash. There would also have to be a gap between wars to give guilds the chance to opt out of the next war and zero the War lists ready for the next round.
Last edited: Jan 10, 2012