Just an idea. Would it be possible to update the "Group" tab in Social Feed so players can search for members of Allied syndicates, as well as their own? This would make it easier to give them priority. On a similar vein, how about a button to "Post boss into Alliances Feeds", in addition to posting to your own syndicate? This could replace the "Post into Syndicate Chat" button, as this basically only replicates posting to the same people who are in your syndicate feed. I feel this would give much more meaning to the concept of forming Alliances, as apart from the capability to add mob (and if you've already got 1000 that's not an issue), there seems to be very little benefit from being allies otherwise. A number of syndicates have also been spawning "extended families" (XYZ1, XYZ2, etc), and incorporating these ideas would make it much easier for those members to support each other, get their newer players involved, etc.