strange very very strange

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by ATHEISTIC SATANIST, May 4, 2011.

  1. not sure if this is intentional if it is please disregard

    someone recently sent a invite to my armada.

    they were accepted in by a officer.

    i sent a friend request to them for myspace

    i went to join elites it said send invites

    i hit that and it notified them to join clans

    i assumed they had accepted my myspace friend request for that

    we can open message each other so that further made me think that

    they had me add them on mob wars as well.

    i dont play mob but i agreed to clan them there

    i click the add to clan button and it says i have a pending friend request

    i thought it was odd so i refreshed thinking that would sync it up

    nope the invite was never accepted

    so he was never in my friends but somehow was able to invite him in my clan and open message without ever being friends

    how is that possible????
  2. just noticed this again

    is it designed like this or some kind of flaw

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