Stamina/Energy/Health Refills

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by usmcjames, Apr 24, 2010.

  1. stamina is very very important.dont neglect it.youll find it hard to level especially when you reach level 1850 and have low stamina.


    Top Poster Of Month

    tell me the min stamina needed for level 1850 and above to level.How about 2000 stamina and 25000 health? Is that enough?
  3. level 1850 exp needed to level will suddenly double.
    then level 2500 exp needed increases again.

    so ill let you decide if thats enough.
  4. Julie Detroit

    Julie Detroit Member

    To comment On the difference between ZS and the other 3 apps, you should be grateful the stamina does not refill. They way people have allocated there stats on zombie is much different then people have done on the previous 3 apps, they are also much older apps with much stronger players in it some who are out of most reach. If those players had the refills there would be a massive killing spree and many people would be deleted as friends so they can be killed..... I am not opposed to a little anarchy but the annoying complaining would skyrocket.

    Lol in some of us could double are levels in a week
  5. Depends on how you level, it takes considerably more stamina to level loop off of bosses and weaker opponents than it does against stronger fights (usually with partners at that stage) where the margins of victory are slim. Personally I'd advise more than 2000 but thats up to you

    Also XP jumps to 2.5X at level 2500 and 3X at level 3000, so you will find yourself needing more and more stamina to level.

    @Gavin; indeed, there are several apps that don't offer a refill at all.
  6. {{Viking}

    {{Viking} New Member

    Energy refills and amounts

    It would be nice if the refill when you level would be closer to full? How about a percentage based on level? Like 500+ 30% of your level in energy point up to level *** then maybe full refill after a certain level...+2000.

    Could we start getting better weapon and clansmen adds? Thanks for a great game anyway.
  7. theres been similar suggestions already.

    i dont see a problem with a full energy refill as your not going to level instantly unlike if you got a full stam refill where the chances are much higher.
  8. antoris

    antoris Member

    why not add to the level achievements refill percentages?

    lvl500 = 500 energy + 10% max energy
    lvl750 = 500 energy + 15% max energy
    lvl1000 = 500 energy + 20% max energy
    lvl1250 = 500 energy + 25% max energy

    and so on up to 50% max energy or something.

    same for stamina as well, would offer incentives for leveling up, you know.
  9. ive seen similar suggestions to this as well.i for one would agree 100%
  10. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    A higher stam refill would be nice. 50 simply doesn't cut it. If I get the best possible xp drop for 1 attack, I can get about 8000 xp, as long as my victim heals and doesn't counter / win because the odds favour him. Add to this roughly 1000 xp for energy, I'm still lacking 3000+ xp to the next level. And this gets only worse with higher levels.

    A full energy refill would be a good starting, and maybe a refill of 100 or 150 stam per Level up.
  11. Stam Refill at level

    I'm just wondering what the thinking is behind only allowing 50 stam per level up?
  12. froderick

    froderick New Member

    i second that we should get a full stam refill at least until level 1000!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. so many speculations on this.but maybe an answer will be given.
  14. on the one hand, I have to admit, I'm level 180 7 days after starting.... minus time at work ect. So it'd be hard for me to say that only 50 stam per level up, is slowing me down. But if I do any boss fights, well there goes my leveling up.
  15. Eddie

    Eddie Member

    50 stam refill per level has always been in place. For those that argue that it should refill once you level, well consider the fact that i had 3,000 stam.
  16. um forgive me, but that doesn't really mean that much to me.
    I get that it's been in place, and I'm really just wondering what the logic behind it is. I'm not saying it's good or bad. Granted I'd like to get a full refill but I'm not claiming that after a week I am qualified to say what, if anything, should be changed.
  17. Eddie

    Eddie Member

    Well, if I would have 3000 stam refill every level, I could level endlessly without need to refill(Profits Kano). Also, this would mean lower levels would never have a chance of catching up. Another thing, making stamina refill all the way at each level would render some achievements useless.
  18. Jorgen

    Jorgen New Member

    Agreed, it should at least reflect what level you are. Right now I'm at L 869 with 615 stamina, a fifty point bump for leveling does next to nothing for me. That's like what, two and a half power attacks? Not going to finish the boss off that way...
  19. Vampryss

    Vampryss Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Stamina/energy/health refills - Threads have been merged.

    This thread and others asking the same question have all been merged. Please do not start another thread on this topic as it too will be merged. Additional posts/questions on this topic on this thread are encouraged and welcome.

    thank you :)
  20. understand that, and I admit even with only 50 stam per level hasn't really slowed down my leveling. though it has slowed down my looting of items off of bosses ect.

    Zombie Slayers for instance, states that it only refills up to 10k health, 1k energy, and 500 stam. or did when I first started, yet gives full refills.

    I get what you're saying, I'm just curious as to why it's limited to only 50.

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