
Discussion in 'New Player Area' started by Roger Siciliano, Oct 26, 2012.

  1. Roger Siciliano

    Roger Siciliano New Member

    I dont quite understand the need to buy extra speakers,i started off with 3 and bought 10 but what do i do with them now,loli think they have something only to do with kano chat
  2. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Speakers are used for sending World Chat messages via Kano Chat. Each message you post to the World costs 1 speaker in order to try and thwart someone from spamming that for free.
  3. Fusheng

    Fusheng Active Member

    correct only for kano chat so you can post messages to lcn world
    1speaker to post to world others posts to mob syn are free
    you can use them to post your link for mob invites etc
    you do get free speakers which i usually save up as you never know when you might need them

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