i have found another problem and ths time it is with sending a gift to a person it just loads and loads and doesnt do anything but rite when i click to send a gift to someone else it says gift sent.she is in my inner circle and im in her iner circle but i had the problem before i added her into my inner circle
This is a fb or computer issue alot of times not necessarily a kano issue , you can clean out your cache, and turning off the computer/laptop and give it a few minutes and turn it back on usually works for me.
i just tried that and also trie sending the gift in another browzer but still no luck. but i dont get why its only for 1 person not for all of my caps
Then my next suggestion is to send in a screen shot of what is going on to support, Kano will be back Tuesday, Monday is a holiday for them this does happen from time to time for me, but not a big deal for me
i dont think a screenshot will help this time cus it just looks like the normal gift sending page i meen it even lets me click the button and shows it clicked but then doesnt send the gift and yes a gift is selected i have tried many dif gifts but stil nothing sent.
my guess would be a glitch of some sort, but that is all I got but I might add you have problems sometimes that no one else seems to have, what browser do you use, Chrome seems to be the best to use
If you're only having issues with the one player, it's often because of a permissions/notifications issue. You can check these settings by clicking on the "Friends" button that will have a check mark on it, and then settings. Make sure all the notifications are checked off, and have your friend do the same.
i infreinded and added again but stil no luck but she can send a gift to me i just cant send a gift to her. the notification is set to the lowest i can get it to. i have a screenshot if you want to se but i dont see how thta wil help