Have noticed this morning that unless I click 'share' on a request for help (be it boss, challenge, adventure) it is not posting to the feed. Normally clicking 'cancel' still posts it to the VC feed for players to see, but doesn't post it up on my wall / the FB newsfeed (which I prefer) - this doesn't appear to be working in this way at the moment. Is this intended, or a small glitch, just wondering..?
This appears to be a bug. I will have to dig into this further but my guess is this is on Facebook's end of things. Tuesday nights seem to be the time they push out new code to their platform and I am seeing a couple of other bugs today so I will see what I can find out about this. So in short this is not intended. Hopefully it gets sorted out soon! Edit: Yup this is a bug with Facebook. Looks like they have a fix but it has not been released yet. https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/181204965365119
This should be fixed now according to FB but I have also tested it out on my end of things. If it is still failing try to refresh the game URL and give it another go.
Lame. Give it some time and maybe close down your browser and/or clear the cache. I am not positive but it might have to pick up some new JavaScript from Facebook to get this to work again. It was also not working for myself after it was initially posted as "fixed" but a refresh fixed it for me.
well... it was working, but now it's not again, won't let me post for boss help unless I click 'share' and when I do, it appears in the FB newsfeed but not the VC feed...
I will keep an eye on this but all is working properly in my own testing. I have also not seen a new bug filed with Facebook but again I will keep an eye on this throughout the day.