[LCN] Reduction of punch waiting time

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Susan Patrick, Mar 28, 2012.

  1. Susan Patrick

    Susan Patrick Member

    Dev's can you please do something about vote sabotage by malicious people, who use this as a way to take revenge when they are impotent to do so in game :) thanks
  2. 7 Stars from me :D

    I like the idea of having less time to wait, but I can see this being abused, people camping on people more and more to get the punch kill, the whole reason the punches are every hour is to curb abuse...

    I know your intentions would be for fun and giggles, as it would be mine but people will just abuse it :(

    There is hope yet :D
  3. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Im not opposed to having more punches/slaps....but its not an idea that gets me excited either.

    What I would like to see though is a punch/slap timer that counts down to when u can next slap/punch a rival.

    I would also like a players own build be the deciding factor on the outcome of a punch/slap. Currently the health damage outcome is based off the lower of the 2 players health basically negating everything the more powerful player has earned in terms of health and attack. The resulting health damage should be based on the health or attack of the person doing the slapping/punching. Same goes for attacks
  4. I don't agree with this at all.

    Slaps/Whips/Punches are just fine as they are. Excluding the ridiculous randomness of it all where 1 damage is done.

    As such, I voted a one.

    I'm already being killed by 10+ axe slaps whenever I go to work or sleep. Let's not make it even easier for them to slap me every 20-30 minutes now.
  5. Susan Patrick

    Susan Patrick Member

    That's a pity :/ because this idea was for LCN not Viking Clan
  6. Susan Patrick

    Susan Patrick Member

    Bump BUMP Bump
  7. Fusheng

    Fusheng Active Member

    this is an LCN question Kul but from your response of axe slaps you referring to a different game
    lets please keep the replies to the threads on subject of the game there were posted about
  8. pineappledog

    pineappledog Member

    If that were the case you could go round 1 hit killing low levels with punches all day long lol, if that were the case then punches would have to be the same as attacks in terms of only being able to punch people below your XP range if they attack first.


    I think it would be good if all your additional health increased your chances of a higher damage punch via some calculation.

    An example of this would be that if you had a max punch of 1500 and the player you punch had a max of 300 then all your additional 1200 would be used to boost you closer to 300 making your realistic punch on them to always be between 280-300 rather than 1-300. Obvisouly if you were 1500 vs 1500 then it would remain 1-1500 for both parties involved.

    How does that sound? (thinks about making a new idea's thread)

    SHO KOSUGI Member

    "Can't wait? 5UN for another punch... "
    OMG its money money!! Lets go for it KANO ;)
  10. It's pretty common when one idea is accepted for a game such as LCN that it becomes accepted for all the other Kano games as well.

    Even still, I rated the thread a 1. Horrible idea. :)
  11. Susan Patrick

    Susan Patrick Member

    This is why the majority of serious LCN players refuse to use this Forum ... this should not be allowed to happen but will while all Kano platforms are mixed in one place.

    Dev's & Mods please remove his negative vote from this post .. as the suggestion is for LCN!!!
  12. Fusheng

    Fusheng Active Member

    may i ask Kul do u play LCN?
  13. My vote still counts as I have played LCN. Whether or not I still play it is irrelevant.

    Reducing the punch time is a horrible idea in my opinion, and as such, I'm allowed to express my opinion on this thread with my vote and my posts.

    If you can't take criticism of your ideas with a grain of salt, then why are you on the forums in the first place? I'm not being negative for lack of anything better to do. I'm not insulting you or attacking you. I'm merely saying that reducing the time in between punches is a bad idea. :)
  14. *Removed Player Link*

    I quit playing in order to focus more on Viking Clan since I was spending most of my time trying to bounty hunt.

    My point is still the same though. An update for one game is usually incorporated for all of the games. A 30 minute punch timer in LCN will turn into a 30 minute punch timer for the other games.

    Let's assume that it doesn't work that way, and the update only applies to LCN though. The idea of more frequent punches is still a bad idea.

    But again, this is all my opinion and offered as criticism to an idea posted on a public board.

    Sorry if you don't like it, but then again, I'm not really sorry either.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2012
  15. Fusheng

    Fusheng Active Member

    it is relevant Kul as if you dont play lcn then you shudnt vote on it
    the question was about lcn so other lcn players shud be voteing and giving there opinon
    its an lcn question Kul thats the issue
  16. Then as a LCN player, I still say the idea is a bad idea.

    I just came out of retirement. :)
  17. Fusheng

    Fusheng Active Member

    My vote still counts as I have played LCN. Whether or not I still play it is irrelevant.
    I quit playing in order to focus more on Viking Clan since I was spending most of my time trying to bounty hunt.

    as i said already this is an lcn thread
    sorry but lame reply and shows you just hijacking a lcn thread
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2012
  18. Hijacking? Hardly. I'm not the only one who has voted negatively about this idea, I just appear to be the only one who has voiced my opposition.

    I've played the game, I'm playing it again right now.

    The whole point of an Ideas forum is to get feedback from players. I gave feedback. You and Susan are unhappy with said feedback.

    Should I change my rating to a 10 to appease you two?
  19. Fusheng

    Fusheng Active Member

    No Kul i dont want you to change your vote
    im just saying the thread is a lcn question
    look at my post above ok
  20. pineappledog

    pineappledog Member

    You just punched in the face Kul and dealt 68 damage. :D

    Couldn't resist punching you Kul since you gave your link in a thread disputing wether more punching was a good idea or not lmao

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