Hi Kirsten I have 5 questions for you Answer the following using yes/no answers only please, no long winded answers yet, thanks. 1) Do you accept that a 1 stamina attack does the same damage to the raid party as a 20 stamina attack? 2) Do you accept that you have to use a 20 energy heal for both a 1 stamnina attack and a 20 stamina attck? 3) Do you accept therefore that a 1 stamina attack is just as likely to kill the party as a 20 stamina attack? 4) Do you accept that 20 single stamnina attacks will do 20 times more damage to the party than one 20 stamina attack and therefore require 20 times the healing? 5) Do you accept that a low level player will find it easier (as they have to use less stamina) to spoil the raid by killing the party if they use 1 stamina attacks?
A high level can ruin a raid a mid level can a creepy player can,anyone can ruin a raid by accident or on purpose there is not much we can do except be careful of public raids and list the offenders
I don't use it, except when java changes where things are in my browser and I accidentally click on it instead of the power attack - very annoying. I read your responses of energy. Again, how in the heck could you be at 999 attacks unless you were already doing 1 stamina attacks? In other words, if you were at 995 attacks, it takes the same amount of time for you to get stamina to get your minimum. I mean why bother? doing 5 by 1 stamina attacks doesn't save you any time at all.
Omg I find it useful here and there IMO i say leave it but i do not get to decide nor does anyone commenting here someone had an idea which i do not feel is necessary , good luck I use 20 stam attacks unless i run out of stam and need to heal once more so i wait for a sec for stam how hard is that to understand
Very. Your 20 energy for that 1 stam will heal just as much for a 20 stam hit. Seriously, go to a raid right now and try a 1 stam attack, heal, 20 stam, heal and look at Party Health Lost.
I am trying to keep that discussion away from this Marc as that one has been done to death on other threads
I know, but raid perishers as well. It would be like me saying "I want the 1 stam attack and don't use raid perishers as an argument to get rid of them". Nothing will stop those players, they don't care about penalties, they just want to be annoying and removing the 1 stam attack won't stop them. A better solution would be less party damage when you use a 1 stam attack. That way it's also harder to kill a party and we can still use it when it's usefull to use
This would work too. It is good to see you acknowledge the party health loss with 1 stam is a problem. You are more on the side of yes than no in that you recognise the current model isn't working.
That would be an acceptable solution too Marc and is one that I asked Kano about, but they refused to change it muttering something about game mechanics and code.
I think you get that wrong Party health loss with 1 stam attacks is no problem for me. Less damage is no problem for me either so if it helps making it harder to perish a raid that's fine by me. Taking away the 1 stam attack is not a good idea IMO so my vote stays with no. And even if it's said 100 times before, avoiding public raids is the only options if you don't want to take the risk. The rules are clear and I doubt there will be any changes. Kano has made it clear in the past that there has to be some risk to get those high stats drops. Lowering the risk would mean they have to lower def and att stats as well.
So 20 energy heals a one stam hit, that does not bother me, but if I need to do the min heals or I don't want to not heal my attacks fully or that is all I have for the time being, than I want to be able to use it , not have the option taken away
Still waiting for you to answer each of my 5 questions above Kirsten Would also like to know how many Raids you have completed for the Eco-Terrorist, you can see this by adding up your common and supers? I want to know if we differ due to a volume problem
I do not see the reason for it we have the 5 stamina attack for the low levels and that is enough 1 is a pain
Credit where it's due, this post along with seeing people who constantly not do min until they know a raid is a safe bet made me think.. This level/XP penalty should be done to those who do not get min actions in. This should apply whether the raid succeeds or fails. (I didn't want to start a new post on this idea.)