Raiding to the finish line

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Snowtiger, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. Snowtiger

    Snowtiger Well-Known Member

    Now what? OK, I have mentioned many times that I have never been fond of raids. I did them anyway since that is the main focus of raid week. I built my account so that at least I did not have to blow tons of real money to get to where I am. But now, I have to ask “what next?” Many times I have commented to my friends that online games are fun, but a little frustrating because there is no end to the game. There is no proverbial “Game Over” when you complete the whole thing. It just keeps going and going.

    While I was working my way up through the game, I also heard from high level players all the complaints about how there was not enough new content happening. I ignored them for the most part since I had not arrived to a point that I could fully understand why they were complaining about such a thing. Well I finally understand. I raided my way to the last world. I finished every adventure. I bought tons of empire. And now nothing to do but raid myself to nowhere new. I know eventually there will be a new world, but as fast as people are raiding to higher and higher levels, I have to ask, is all we have to look forward to is an occasional new world every 5 or 6 months down the road? Have a lot of us raided ourselves to nowhere land? Has the game evolved to the point that the “Game Over” icon I have been searching for finally arrived? Is this the direction Kano wanted the game to go to when they invented raids? Just curious if I am the only one who feels this way. Feel free to comment on how you feel about raiding your way to where you are now as a viking in this game. Kano did not listen when some of us protested how the game was changing due to raids. Now maybe they should listen.
  2. Backdoor Boo boo

    Backdoor Boo boo Active Member

    They will not they never do!
  3. Kel the Merciful King

    Kel the Merciful King Well-Known Member

    The game has been quite boring past the last empire ... which if they were true robber barons, they would have spaced out more as more and more people are given the "new" empire v. having to seek it.

    1) they didn't list on war mode ... give it acheivements and make it a contest with rewards .. .and that has been since near inception. They added GW's and that had achievements - laughable ones as they did not make sense in a "team" competition - but made it a contest. So ... no new contests.

    2) monthly funky calendar cycles ... dunno.

    3) world boss on it's last legs, hit it every minute in same time zone, every time ... no craftmanship here to balance it out - free levels to Europeans ... everywhere else, collect in the morning after someone gets 500 hits on the wb ... sloppy implementations.

    4) Battle arena ... found a formula and rested on it. No variants/change ups, the little guys lose and the big guys win and thats it, thats all.

    So yes Snow Tiger, there is nothing after "game over" but due to the social characteristics of the game play, we trudge on but instead of anything challenging, it become a snoring game. Does Kano always portend to do something to fix "whatever" and come thru? No. They did not originally see past level 2500 and that was it. Took years - really - for empire expansion as I gather they took the risk averse approach and did nothing but profit on the past investment. Now its 2017 from 2009 ... what can you do to spark the game up? I would like a bot thank you much as a helper through these raid bosses, as they chill and kill any social aspect of the game - and put the game otherwise to sleep as "level-i-vitis" to nowhere hits.

    Bottom line: it is what it is. You know it. They are not the quickest kids in the garage no more or were ever. Nice folks just the same but not the swiftest and likely thinking along your thoughts as to when is "game over" or when can we get to a VC 3.0 ... 2.0 sucked the life out of the game and interest for me.

    There are my .... thoughts ... for you :)
    Snowtiger likes this.

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