[LCN] Raid Boss Walkthrough and Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by mi7ch, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    xp yes but no on the limits based per teir lvl that is not fair at all when the lower tiers gain energy easier than the last tier we have to spend more on refills on energy than they do and that aint fair either.
  2. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    for the higher tier they need to up the xp for them and then you might see a big difference, higher xp means less attacks to level which in turn means higher lvls will attack more instead of doing min for the drops whats going happen when you place another min. and thats all they going to do then you going complain again. The problem lies in what the upper tiers have to do so much more for a lvl that sometimes min is all they can do. The way to stop that is stop making it public that is done at your choice. You can hand pick you have 4 days stop rushing to kill it in the fist day....
    Easy To Remember likes this.
  3. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    lol raids ------ i dont think there will ever be a happy medium with them they will always have to tweek them one way or another it will be a never ending headache
    Easy To Remember likes this.
  4. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    I think the tiers would need looking at again if that was the case. Can't have the same minimum requirements for a level 2000 and a level 5000.

    That said, with the extreme levelling due to raids I think the tiers are probably due reassessing as it is. 0-1499, 1500-2999 & 3000+ would be my recommendation.

    Last edited: Apr 11, 2015
  5. WendelinR

    WendelinR Active Member

    the tiers on Kong need to be adjusted soon as well. 90% of all active players r over lvl 2k so i suggest:
    0 - 1500
    1500 - 3000
  6. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    PC FB we need the top tier to be level 6K at the very least, and that is pushing it, 5K is way to low for the top tier is way to low
    WendelinR likes this.
  7. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    dont even take the per tier min. thing to developers for i will not do anymore raids and anyone in the last tier will feel the same way The lower tiers has the best part of the raids anyhow.
    Easy To Remember likes this.
  8. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    Just keep making it worse for any of the uppers... WE have asked for better xp so we would be more active instead of complaining about uppers not doing enough maybe step in there shoes and see we have been complaining its not worth the cost for us to put alot of effort in it. The ones complaining probable dont know the pain have buying energy and stamina refills almost ever level, which for us makes it hard to help since we cant gain energy like the others can. The xp for healing should be bumped up there is alot of factors causing the uppers to not put in as much effort and now you are seeing the drawbacks of them not listening.
    Easy To Remember likes this.
  9. Wyy put more of a burden on the higher tiers. They already get less XP as a percentage to their next level and have to buy more energy refills with FP since their XP needed to level is much higher. Since we attack & heal with the raid teams collective strength we should all be doind close to the same damage & healing. Id like t see the same experience as a % to your next level (Or close to) for all tiers, Im not against the low levels getting a little higher % but the huge disparity make the burden unfairly placed on the upper tiers.
  10. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    thank you Justin as you are coming up through the levels you understand exactly what we have complained about for sometime now and the effects are starting to show.
    Easy To Remember likes this.
  11. Xipe Totec

    Xipe Totec Active Member

    Hi Mi7ch, would it be possible to get some advance notice of what changes have been made to the raids, when is the next raid scheduled to start, are tiers levels remaining the same (personally I think these are well balanced at the moment) etc. thanks
    Easy To Remember likes this.
  12. Xipe Totec

    Xipe Totec Active Member

    NO, NO, NO, NO.... higher levels already getting raw end of the stick on Raids XP. increasing the total number of actions for above a certain level is not the solution to getting higher levels to be more proactive. the solution lies in adjusting the xp ratio.

    it MUST be borne in mind that Raids are a new creation. and many higher levels had no use for energy and so allocated few skill points to energy. now all of a sudden, there is the introduction of a new element to the game that requires energy. so a higher level may be at an even greater disadvantage once again!

    adjust the xp ratio and the high mobs will do more as the returns will become worth it.
  13. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Raids have been around for months now, players if they wanted to play them could have been adding to energy here and there, to help work these these bosses a little better. I know for me I have been adding to both energy and stam since the end of August, and each raid I concentrate on those two,I was lacking as far as what the raids needed, but I am doing much better now :)
  14. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    but once you have reach so high the levels and skill points come alot less often so it still is harder to reverse your allocation of skill points. they have made it crazy hard to get achievements. When you speak of terms of allocating alot has started but the 5 yrs or longer they have played and never needed the reason to allocate has made it hard to change your stats you have to remeber kirsten when you comment the lvl your are at also. And try to look at the lvl that is speaking Jab would have a hard time making a big change in his stamina or even energy this late in the game, my stamina is so high due to the fact i focus with all the easy achievements where i was getting mass skill points.
    Easy To Remember likes this.
  15. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    i cant wait for all these people who love the xp they are getting out of the raids finally move up and see where we are coming from Jab they dont see or understand half the point we are trying to make.
    Easy To Remember and Xipe Totec like this.
  16. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Personally I have not had a problem getting enough skill points to add to energy and stam as well as the other areas,but I concentrated since August on stam and energy ,knowing I was gonna need it and I was sorely lacking in those two areas,but no idea of how much I was gonna need it till they started, I am still low compared to the stamina monsters in two of the games I play,but when a raid event is over ,each time I am ahead of the game and my regular game benefits in both PC and VC, and I know it does for all the players in those games. I have some very high level friends in games that find the raids are quicker than leveling with a partner,something I don't do, I might average 100 to 200 levels depending on how many raids I either open or join,but my goal is not to level as much as it is to get skill points , the leveling past adventures and having to back track is a PIA, so I do try to limit how fast I move. But still when it is all said and done,I could have done without raids in the first place. I also have seen a few players in both those games,level thousands of time,I cannot even imagine the money they are spending ,to from a level low 5 k to a level 12K plus since November,this last raid another player went up over 1,000 levels, and he has been going up also since November at an extremely fast rate from the first raid in that game,that is nuts,but there are an number of players who have done this. I do see a total difference in ZS as a low level I cannot level at all on a raid, and don't even try,but that game is set up different and what you need to heal is more, so Lcn may have a difference that is similar,VC is only slightly different that PC, they all are a bit different,with ZS being the most different., in my observations. In the end I see these raids as not such "the good idea", Kano may have thought they would be for any of the games.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2015
  17. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    But here the thing is I see alot complaining uppers not doing enough and etc. this is the area we are concern not that you enjoy getting many lvl's easy. I wanting mad xp either but its not right when the difference is 1/20th xp to a lvl to 1/171th xp for the upper so you say its fair for them to have around 8 times greater for use to level % wise that's 800% more we have to do to lvl. this is what some see, to put in purspective take the amount you need for ur current level and go to a calculator and divide that by 171 and see what xp you get for your level and that would show you what we get.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2015
    Easy To Remember likes this.
  18. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    What i have noticed Jab if they go to adjust the xp for the raids it will cause less heal's for your attacks which will make it harder or worse how you want to look at it to get the min. either you will use large amount of stamina to get 1000 heals or either they will attack in 1 and 5 just to get min for drops. Then people will complain the heal is too high. The only thing i really can see at any angle on the raids to make people wanna heal or do more is up the xp for the heals. When they start adjusting numbers it will effect other aspects, the health of the raids have already be said to change. I feel sorry for the developers for this nightmare. WHat I am tired of is the low and middle tiers saying most uppers not doing enough, but what these people fail to realize i get close to same amount of xp off regular boss or even better when its joining one and get the bonus, these raids are not designed for the upper players to lvl this is shown, these are made to give others that start or still in the low range, a chance to level very fast without major cost, for uppers they can lvl fast but the thing is how much it cost, i believe people should ask and get more info about it some dont complain about it cause there credit card will allow them to spend like made and for them getting 1000's levels go ask how much they spent....... I hear many gaining large amounts of lvl's but you never hear they are spending 500 to 1000 dollars to do it either
    Easy To Remember likes this.
  19. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    Easy To Remember likes this.
  20. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I don't crunch numbers that is your thing,for me that is a foreign language :confused:

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