Just checked in with a developer, those extra Raid Bosses are some leftovers from last time because the list is not cleared until the event starts. We'll fix that up for next time.
Just spent 500 energy in NewYork and not one key drop.....Thats just wrong! 2000 energy spent and i now have one key.....Perhaps its my foul mood at the moment but i surely feel ripped off!
I've just dropped around 3000 energy trying to get Raid boss keys on Kong, second time on this new Raid boss & no keys for me again, so not on. I too feel ripped off!
We have not touched key drop rates since over a year ago, so nothing should be different from last time. I will reiterate that key drops rates are completely randomized, so there is always a chance that you could hit a string of bad numbers and not get a key drop. I'll still have the developers double-check.
I don't disagree with it happens but when it comes to getting keys Kong Vs LCN on FB I can get a raid going every single time on LCN FB within 5mins & I always struggle on Kong to get keys to summon the boss, even if you skip & go to the next key & go back!
Kano I know this aint your fault, I have noticed small decline in xp and i know this is due to way the players are placing skill points anymore, all i know is last raid i was seeing 9000 xp this time best i have seen is 8800 not much smaller but still is declining.
Sometimes it is hard and takes longer and other times it doesn't , it is just random like a lot of things
took me 2k energy to get 4 keys if that and I have low energy,compared to the other games, that isn't alot
I have been blasted in past for putting full damage on raids so I give the minimum and wait til loaded then continue damage why is there not a limit gage like other boss fights or is it? I always receive invite I suppose i'm not high enough level to get a raid boss and send out invites! I do like the quick leveling tho !
I think on page 52 or 53 I asked the question about a limit gage & suggested a top limit of 40Mill! Now on the subject of keys 2500 energy dumped today looking for keys on Kong & my only reward is 1 key, I don't quite think 5.5K energy for 1 key is worth it on Kong I still recon something isn't quite right there!
So I find no fault about the raids on FB, but I have to clarify and possibly suggest something bothers me. We all know older raids returns as to give everyone a fair chance to do the achievements and possibly to collect the items which they missed. And still those returning bosses shows as Level 1, I am aware practically its not possible to have many levels for raids because of the fact that they have high health and indeed team effort will be needing. (even though currently one player alone can kill their raid with a little help of few friends, depend on how you spend and play.) But why cant we have a level 2 raids with minor upgrades from the earlier raid, ex: Raid level 1 have 500,000,000 health- level 2 may have 500,100,000 may be plus may be drops also upgraded by 2-3 attack and 2-3 defense? may be like as we get in first raid, by the level 5 raid we will get another achievement. cause we all know from a raid we collect upto 15-20 items every season, I think it would be interesting.
Don't complain, it took me to 4000 energy to find 3 key and next day with 70 energy found 2 keys.. completely random
call me unlucky. I spent 3500 and got one key. I gave up trying for the others. is it unlucky or simply the kano refocusing their games towards lower and mid level players to provide them advantages worthy of spending cash upon... So far 21 raids i've been in, performed a minimum of 20 million in damage, healed in full on all my attacks and i have yet to land one superior weapon...Yes thats right, complete random has provided me all common drops only..... I feel cheated as do many upper level players. Normally play about 75+ raids, donate 200 bucks to the cause.... Didnt do it this month and see no reason to again, EVER!
How is it so easy for a player, only at a few hundred in level able to open up a raid boss. They barely have the energy built up, but i can spend 3500 and only land one key. Is the random mathematics designed to punish me and make me spend more because i am a higher level with more energy to use?