The Raid bosses are broken up by level forcing people to have low levels with LOW stats. You the developers base the Raid Groups health on stats, EPIC FAIL! If you do that then do not limit level participation. I would rather have 30 people greater then level 6k in my raid to avail myself of their power.
Also exp needs to be increased. Receiving 20 to 30 exp / energy is to low, and all exp should better reflect a person level. At level 7200 I get 250 to 350 exp points per stam when attacking, so do people 1000's of level below me, but it takes my more exp to level. That needs to be adjusted, not be downgrading lower levels, but by upgrading exp reward to higher levels.
I will thank you though. The last 2 Raids I spent about 1k, this time I spent 00000000000! I was able to finish my raid with the GF I already had with 5 to spare. I will not be opening another. I hope others follow suit.
Last edited: Mar 20, 2015