[LCN] Raid Boss Walkthrough and Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by mi7ch, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. Vic

    Vic Active Member

    my thoughts: tired of hearing complaints about drops. some players join every raid they possibly can to get as many drops as they can. who cares which drop you get, or if some jerk is killing raids on purpose? all of them aren't killed off, so you're still coming out ahead (don't forget about the levels and xp). maybe you should not post your raids publicly. if only trusted players are in your raids, they probably won't be killed off. i could care less about the complaints from raid hogs, the ones i join don't expire or get killed off, and if i really wanted to, i could piss people off that i don't like and kill off their raids, but i don't. it also seems that the majority of the complaints come from the platform that i play on (kong) and not the other platforms. could this have to do with the inability to make your bosses private? that could solve most of the problems right there, but kano doesn't seem to be willing to change this for some reason.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2015
    Kirsten likes this.
  2. Aapje

    Aapje Well-Known Member

    i still think it should be impossible to kill the raid party. What good does that feature do? It just allows for griefing. A raid boss is a ton of work and it is unfair if 1 person can just undo that.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2015
  3. Dcasso

    Dcasso Well-Known Member

    I don't really care so much about permanent ban if they kill the raid party, but the XP penalty should only apply to the person killing the party and the increase in health shouldn't be up to 10%.
    Rhenkle1 and Edward Ball like this.
  4. Edward Ball

    Edward Ball New Member

    I just completed the most recent Boss Raid (actually I completed several of them) and DID NOT receive my Lab Leveler (it should of been my second one). I had the most damage and total actions. I clicked on the button to "arm" and it sat spinning for minutes...Refreshed the page and now it's gone. Please advise on how I can get this weapon I worked so hard for?
  5. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Please contact Support, they'll check and see that you still have the item. :)
  6. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    I've heard the concerns in this thread and elsewhere regarding players who are now just leaving the Raid Party at low health instead of wiping. I'll discuss this with the developers and see what some solutions are. :)
    Rhenkle1 likes this.
  7. RafeDavid

    RafeDavid Well-Known Member

    I'll let someone with more experience chime in but I thought when it comes to your loadout you can only arm 1 of a certain weapon even if you own 2. The second weapon must be different from the first.
    Kirsten likes this.
  8. Gogolak

    Gogolak Active Member

    if i had a nickel for every complaint about alts, drops, drop rate, killers, wipers, near-wipers, and xp (to name a few) related to raids, i wouldn't have to work anymore.
    Marc14 and Kirsten like this.
  9. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    You are correct, you may have two or more of the same item but can only use one in loadout, but that, item/s will still be used in battles.
  10. JARVIN

    JARVIN Active Member

    seems like most of the complaints over the past week are from kong players. do the raids work differently on the other platforms? i'm a little surprised that the feedback is slanted so much towards one platform over another.
  11. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    Only thing would prevent someone leaving raid health low is either you give them negative xp once 20% of health left. Or reduce xp accordingly like in limited time calendars. But that also have to reach certain amount. To be honest that suggestion is unfair as raid owners resposibllity is to chose who they are sharing raids with. In that point, let them learn the hard way, make no changes at all
    Kirsten likes this.
  12. Dcasso

    Dcasso Well-Known Member

    Well would be nice if the developers would actually solve the issues and not just sit down and discuss solutions, because even though many of the raids afterwards got killed, I would not just sit back and expect that to continue. There has to be found a way to solve it, or many raids next season wont include new players meaning it will get harder to get low levels into the game. So don't discuss, DO SOMETHING
    Jess, Rhenkle1 and StoneCK like this.
  13. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    Isn't it too much you're asking? school people not to share their raids on public. Cause you can always pick and choose players. Well if its a problem about lower levels, they gotta start adding people into the mob.
    Kirsten likes this.
  14. Dcasso

    Dcasso Well-Known Member

    Kano seems to try and convince us to help out new players, but at the same time not caring about the few of the new players that are raid killers on purpose. So if they don't want to do anything, then why should we help out the new guys?
    StoneCK likes this.
  15. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    I think best solution is for that is disabling public share on Raids, end of the story.
    Kirsten likes this.
  16. Vic

    Vic Active Member

    public sharing will not be turned off on kong for some reason. this has been brought up repeatedly and shot down every time. i guess quite a lot of people will just have to deal with it.
  17. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    then they need to stop complaining about how they messed up their raids.... Idk about Kong, and I don't think it will be a problem in sever 1, cause Mitch have very clearly pointed out private invites are the best method, if someone make their raid public and then some jack goes and ruining it, as I believe that's too much for asking from Kano. It's like kano can't give brains.
  18. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    this is funny, after every raid we get to see complains, and more complains, how someone ruined my raid, make minimum actions bigger, drops are not worth, energy xp low. i thinking @mi7ch should think about opening up a new thread just for raid complains lol cause this feed backs are very repetitive. so we can just give a feedback about the new raids here, such as technical issues, not human errors.
    Kirsten likes this.
  19. StoneCK

    StoneCK Active Member

    put in an 'idiot button' that pops up on the final attack that will perish the raid saying "this attack will perish the raid, do you wish to continue?". this will prevent people from perishing the raid with the one attack to open the page. it also has the benefit of showing people who is doing it intentionally, so they can hitlist him until the cows come home. on that note, i think that anyone still in the newbie protection should not be able to join raids, thus avoiding retribution from unhappy peers...if they are not experienced enough to fight openly, then why on earth would you (kano) think they are experienced enough to participate in raids? raise it to 500. Also, do away with any bonus xp for just joining the raids, too many people doing the one attack and done. Then decrease the xp/stam given until they have their minimum actions, then slowly increase the xp/stam as the person does more damage. And finally, why not only punish the person that perished the raid (and maybe the owner for posting public) rather than all of the participants? If I have done 25M damage on someone else's raid, then some @sshole comes along and perishes the raid, why should i suffer?

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    I think the two of you will never get the point - yes, RAIDS are set up for a player to do minimum actions. But for the one or two players doing all the work, they are a fool. When a raid takes 500 million to kill and 20 to 25 people do minimum and average 6 or 7 million damage - that leaves an average of 375 million left for 5-10 people. If you ever actually paid attention to the number of refills it takes to do that much damage - it is about 25,000 stamina for every 100 million damage. For the cost of 25,000 stamina I would guess the average player has around 5k stamina? So five refills not counting refills of energy to do that healing while attacking.... for 51 fps, you could buy 3 items on sale like the one recently on sale during the raids that was something like 376/170 for 17 fps each. A player looking to get stronger is not going to do it with the RAIDS if they are doing all the work for all the freeloaders. And why spend all those fps giving a bunch of other people items when the goal is to be stronger than them? Especially on Kong where the player base is so small that more than half of the people on each RAID are from different syndicates and a lot of rivals end up on the same RAID.

    Your statement that it is good to have a mix of people is ridiculous as well. The best idea is to find a group of people who understand the concept of a team and sharing the cost and work of doing 500 million. Math doesn't change..... every time someone does less than 16.6 million damage, someone else out of that 30 in the RAID has to do more. And you can figure 16 million damage will cost around 3000 energy and 4000 or so stamina.

    And what is all this NONSENSE about a RAID owner should be able to kill their own raid? Seriously? So for a player to open their own raid they should be able to do 400 million damage and be expected to do as maybe as 20 refills on stamina and maybe another 15 on energy because the people who join are worthless and want to do minimum and let someone else do all the work? I can tell you this, try joining my RAID and expect to do nothing. I will enjoying listing you over and over again for a long time. My RAID has 29 spots for me to invite people to "help" do that 500 million damage not a spot for a "free reward item". I think it takes a lot sometimes for a RAID owner to spend that 4000 to 6000 energy to open the RAID in the first place. For some that right there is 10 fps of energy if not more..... Why would I ever expect them to do 300+ damage on the RAID as well? My only request from a RAID owner is try to invite the right people who will "help" and not to expect me or another high level to do all the work.
    Rhenkle1 and StoneCK like this.

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