[LCN] Raid Boss Walkthrough and Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by mi7ch, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. Xipe Totec

    Xipe Totec Active Member

    thank you for raising this..... i am missing weapons drops from my inventory for this raid.
  2. Dcasso

    Dcasso Well-Known Member

    or just up the tiers with 20-30 levels per raid season
  3. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    FB PC needs the tier levels raised top tier ,"" especially"" before the next raid event
  4. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    yeah you mentioned this and i wrote support this time and usually when you mention this they double check this time i got a lame excuse and said for other player's to send it in kinda like a screenshot but i dont have screenshot of items before the raid for i thought i would not need to remember these small details. This is when I told them that players told me and im writting to ask about this, the normal action was to check my account but not this time, if mitch was around my account would of got checked :(
    Easy To Remember and Xipe Totec like this.
  5. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    We have investigated a couple of reports and from our findings there was no difference in the # of raid boss items the players had before this latest raid and from what they have currently. This investigation was outside of our normal hours so Support has likely not had a chance to relay this info back. Even though we have not found anything yet we remain alert that this is an issue reported by multiple players and are continuing to investigate it.
    Xipe Totec and Sir Opinion Alot like this.
  6. Dcasso

    Dcasso Well-Known Member

    Soooo tired of seeing players doing 0 damage until it a raid is at least half done, before they do precisely 2000 actions. You should not be able to keep your spot in a raid, if you do not contribute. I am not talking about owner being able to kick players (I am very much against that), but if you don't contribute with minimum requirement, you should get kicked automatically

    On kongregate, it would result in certain players being kicked from the 30+ raids they are in where they have a top tier spot and not contributing.
  7. Guardian Angel

    Guardian Angel Active Member

    Will be next time new raid or same reciclet raid like last time?
  8. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    New Raid Boss next time. :)
  9. Guardian Angel

    Guardian Angel Active Member

    Nice , good news! Is alot much better to have new weapons, chalange and skills for the achivement! Thanks for the feedback
  10. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    I agree for selfishly but I think it's good to get the old ones back every so often in case people missed the achievement the first time around.
  11. Guardian Angel

    Guardian Angel Active Member

    I cant agree with this, is normal that players who play more to have this achivments , If we keep the logic you said we should have back also all the calendars , Arena s and other stuff, is not normal I think ! If you want the achivments you should play the event when it is!
  12. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Totally agree .
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  13. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    So we should never go back to the old bosses and new players should never have the chance of the achievement?

    I disagree strongly with that. I think an old boss every so often does no one any harm and it encourages newer players.

    I repeat the new bosses are more useful to me, I've been in all of the raids so far, the weapons are better in the newer raids and the SPs from the achievements are great but I think it should be fair and everyone should have the chance at the achievements, including newer players.
  14. Guardian Angel

    Guardian Angel Active Member

    What are you saying that we should repeat forever all those raids from time to time? This is nonsens! We need new content and chalanges, and it is fair from everyone since everybody have the possibility to play the event!
    WendelinR and Kirsten like this.
  15. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    Yes definitely and I imagine Kano will want to keep new players happy too. I think that's what will happen.

    If you go on holiday and miss a raid will you be happy knowing that that achievement was a one time thing? That you'll never get it?

    If they created a new raid with better weapons every time it would be better for me but it makes no sense as a business decision.
  16. Guardian Angel

    Guardian Angel Active Member

    "Yes definitely and I imagine Kano will want to keep new players happy too. I think that's what will happen."

    New players are coming in games all the time ,everyday that means (about your logic) that we should have same raid forever? lol cant agree with this !!! Sorry!
    WendelinR and Kirsten like this.
  17. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Oh please, if you miss a raid, we all have to suffer thru a repeat cause you went on vacation, lmao There will always be new players, it has always been that way and new players have SOOOOOOOO much more content than any of us playing for 4 years or better and that is all for the benefit of new players.
    WendelinR and Guardian Angel like this.
  18. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    And new players should never have the opportunity to get achievements? If you find it causes you suffering there's nothing stopping you not doing it.

    I'm talking about 1 old raid once every few months or something I don't think that's all that bad to be honest. The weapons are still better than anything you can craft and the XP is still great.

    I think this is a case of us having to agree to disagree and waiting to see what Kano want to do.
  19. Guardian Angel

    Guardian Angel Active Member

    Ok but in this case I will also like to replay all the calendars I havent time to finish in the past and all the Battle Arena's when I was in vacation, I WANT THEM ALL BACK ! lol
    WendelinR and Kirsten like this.
  20. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    There's not an achievement for either of those things so I have a feeling you may be out of luck.

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