That's because the regular game pretty much comes to a standstill whenever these damn things show up. KANO has made a mess of the game with them and the damage is there long after the event has ended as people have to catch up on adventures they have blown by. And yes no surprise that you can still beat this guy up. I'm pounding on some brainless wallet that has shot up over 4000 levels over the past three raids and has gained only minimal strength. Before these current Raids are done he no doubt will be well over 1000 levels ahead of me but he might as well be 1000 behind. I will be pounding on him again now for the next month before he can warp out on next month's raid boss and he probably still won't escape my offense. And even when he finally does he's going to be a punching bag for other pirates at higher levels wherever the next raid boss deposits him. He is the epitome of everything that is wrong with these things. Just leaves me shaking my head both at him and KANO.
for the collection when you collect your reward the timmer needs to have an extra number for days because as of now it only shows hours only up to 24 minutes then seconds for some odd reason been like this for ever ssence the raids have started dont know why everybody has missed it. but that is why when some post raids that have been going on for 3 days or so the rewards show 3 hours or something very minimal
You can get a superior drop if you are the top performer in your tier, but in many cases if you cant outpay the one with the highest number of actions, I agree that you have a better chance on helping on more bosses instead, and one a few bosses just focus to be the one with the most actions in your tier.
On normal bosses, the longer it takes to defeat them, the less XP you are rewarded when its defeated, and with each new day the XP reward will drop more and more. I am curious if this is the case with the Raid Bosses to?
please also can we get the % done to the raid boss like the other boss's, I get involved in so many and hate when i collect and see that i had missed the heal or something along that line. Would be nice also to show health of group also so we would not have to load each one and check to see if it needs healed
I've got an idea, since M7tch had mentioned someplace that Kano would be circulating through the raid bosses some time in the future. Would/could Kano make it to where Raid Bosses that ran out of time can be revived with davy jones points by the owner, as it is now possible to do on regular bosses (so that those who put so much time & energy (& stamina haha) have a 2nd chance at killing it off)?
i was thinking the sane why cant you spend some FP to restart timer once think that would be a step forward with the raids
Simple and easy question and response. Think of all the alts out there that have been activated during raid season allowing said players who use alts that have not been caught yet giving them 100s if not 1000s of levels from a few raids. Now if they decided to let them die off and restart it one time using favor points don't you think they would take advantage of this loophole with using their alts to level their mains. And kano has done a better job recently getting some of these fake accounts out but lets face it they get one out they might have 4 or 5 more fake ones pop up. Or someone take over someone elses account and plays it. Never ends. But that is just my opinion on using favor points.
it would work the same as it does on regular coop bosses though dont think that has been abused and think it would have the same effect for the raids as well
I don't think Kano will ever get rid of Raids, they are definitely a money maker. After all, this is a business. That said, the FREQUENCY OF THESE EVENTS is way way way too much! Quarterly would make it more of an "event" and would give players a chance to save up dj's for them. My newest rival has taken 6000 levels in six months! A friend came across another pirate at level 2650 in Nine days of play! Kind of a slap in the face to those long time loyal players who spent YEARS on their games. I am just saying.....
I know who your new "rival" is and he does nothing but 32 percent attacks and cagematches. It's all he can do because he's a level 6500 masquerading as a 12,000 thanks to Raid Bosses. Don't know where he's off to in such a hurry but its nothing but choppy waters for him from now on. I sink or PW kill him every chance I get. Someone like this should not be left alone who is using the ultimate shortcut to get nowhere fast.
Old Salt, you are right on all counts. You forgot the part about how he waits until you are offline to strike, though. Wow what a loser
but it is their choice to do that i mean if i had thousands to spend id definatly do that and well if i had that much id buy all of the limited quantity as well to make me the strongest player in the game but sadly dont have that kind of money lol but dont see why people complain about them lvling fast easy target is the way i look at it. if they cared about how strong they were in battle then they would play a different strategy but they just want the lvls wich is their strategy, i mean for me on kanoplay s2 i could care less about battles im a boss fighter 5 deffence not afraid t tell people either i deal a minimum of 700k or 800k to a boss per 20 stam hit i love it seeing those huge numbers pop up upon each attack but that is just me, others might not care about seeing a huge number appear when fighting so play the game differently their choice shouldnt matter to others the way people choose to play. and i play on all 3 platforms each i have taken a diiferent way of playing FB i choose to have lower deffence higher attack with mid health and 3k energy stam so i could be more of a bosser with battles comming real close to secondary to me then on kong i play with a balanced build and high stam average health 1500 energy and that will be all i add to so i can get the last energy upgrade and deffence and attack are the same because bosses and battling are on same priority to me but have high stam so i can power lvl when i choose to do so. would power lvl alot more then i do but time is an issue on my end preventing me from doing so EDIT: forgot to put that the reason for my build on FB is to go for achievements wich is why i have 3k energy and stam so basicly this- s2- boss build FB- achievement getter build kong- xp build
err mah gurd, I tried out raids with my lvl 300 FB account and I couldn't stop lvling. All for free, only had to up energy/stam once in a while with skill points. Feels good to lvl that fast when you're only used to lvl slow in LCN.
Mi7ch, did the devs decide to boost up the levels for the next Raid, so that there's more opportunity for us active players to catch a seat in Armor/Kong (as is the highest level seats go way too quickly)?