Jack, do you not remember that one "legendary" bot user from MYSPACE that KANO never did a thing about? Even after videos were posted of this person using an auto heal auto attack bot? You did everything you could possibly do to get KANO to get rid of this player. But KANO never did thing one about this "legendary" player. Now I will agree that the bot use in KANO is no more. But that's not because of KANO said or anything KANO did.
Someone posted the following in chat earlier, which I found interesting (I only changed any identifying information and "colorful" language): LCN Player: no one talk ..going to copy and paste what i got back lol i complained that i'm not seeing bountys a lot LCN Player: Hi,Thanks for contacting us. There are mechanics built into the game that help to distribute Hitlist target availability. When a hit is placed, LCN Player: not all players see it at exactly the same time; visibility can vary depending on a player's level and their recent hunting activity. LCN Player: For example, high level players who have already made lots of Hitlist kills in the past 24 hours may not see targets as quickly as other players. LCN Player: This isn't a new thing, but with the introduction of Godfather hits a few months ago we did make some adjustments to help make targets more widely available to players.
I recently noticed that Kano has taken some measures to the users of bots to hunt . This deserves congratulations for putting practical measures in use . However , I beg leave to you to copy here the beginning of the terms of the game , in your publication " Terms of Use Agreement Effective Date : December 10 , 2012 These Terms of Use Pertain to , among other things , Kano Applications Inc. , a British Columbia company ( " KANO " , "we" or "us " ) , and any applications created by KANO ( " KANO Games " ) and available through social networking sites ( " SNS Apps" ) . PLEASE NOTE : These Terms of Use and any policies KANO Games and rules are subject to change without notice . USE OF THE SITE IS VOID WHERE PROHIBITED . BY USING THE SERVICE OR THE WEBSITE , YOU REPRESENT AND WARRANT THAT YOU ARE 18 OR OLDER , AND THAT YOU AGREE TO AND TO ABIDE BY ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT . IF YOU ARE NOT 18 , BY USING THE SITE YOU REPRESENT THAT YOUR LEGAL GUARDIAN HAS reviewed journals AND AGREES TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS OF USE . PARENTS AND LEGAL GUARDIANS : IF YOU HAVE NOT consented TO MINOR CHILD 'S YOUR AGREEMENT TO THESE TERMS OF USE , PLEASE CONTACT SUPPORT AT KANO : Support . PARENTS ARE TO EXERCISE advised SUPERVISION OVER THEIR CHILDREN'S ONLINE ACTIVITIES . PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THESE TERMS OF USE BEFORE USING THIS SITE, THE USE OF THE SITE IS CONDITIONAL UPON ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS OF USE , WHICH AFFECT YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS . DO NOT USE THIS SITE IF YOU DO NOT AGREE . THESE TERMS OF USE GRANT CERTAIN RIGHTS AND LICENSES U.S. , U.S. PROVIDE CERTAIN indemnities , Waive CERTAIN OF YOUR RIGHTS AND REMEDIES , AND LIMIT OUR LIABILITY AND OBLIGATIONS TO YOU..." I continue with a doubt, why freeze players which break the rules of the game and not ban them? Why let this opportunity of returning to do it all again in the future? Plus, when everyone entered the game, accept these rules, why the rules are applied to some and to others it is given more of a chance to "redeem"? I really cant understand this.
KANO, I love the way trying to catch bot's, but whatever you have done is hurting legitimate players from hunting. I got 14 in 6 hrs VC FB and basically I'm lock out on getting any afterwards. Don't try to say "doorway or more hunters", because in all due respect it's horse crap. Now if you feel to reply as why, I'm all ears. Otherwise just don't even bother, I am not the only one having exact same problem.
"I continue with a doubt, why freeze players which break the rules of the game and not ban them? Why let this opportunity of returning to do it all again in the future? Plus, when everyone entered the game, accept these rules, why the rules are applied to some and to others it is given more of a chance to "redeem"? I really cant understand this." I cannot either as I posted just now to support. Simply answer this Kano and others: Player A in a team environment, plays like a wide receiver. His quarterback and him work on timing plays all the time. Add in a tight end and another receiver, plus a trusty running back and fullback, and all those receivers know exactly in 5 seconds real time, they are going to get hit with a pass. Player A catch it again and again and again. The play is repeated as it is successful. Player B working on his own, uses DRUGS. He plays all opposing defenders at once because he can jump up and grab anything when he is on DRUGS. The "League" catches player B on DRUGS after B makes an impossible massive catch in the blink of an eye. They review the video tape, and indeed they caught them squarely, dead to rights. Only way was to use DRUGS. Both players A and B get the same suspension. End of analogy. Player A is catching bounties. Player B is using automation - DRUGS -clearly. The server logs show 6 hits in 1/10th of a second. Yet again, both players are suspended by Kano equally. This is right ? Or this is wrong? Or this is the price of refereeing these games somewhat v. nothing at all? Thank you for your opinions. My opinion: get rid of Player B permanently. Remove their achievements and records from the game. End of story.
6 seconds ago [RVV] Kel the Justice League King has just killed XXXXXXXX! 0 Like 8 seconds ago [RVV] Kel the Justice League King has just killed XXXXXXX! Just got two god bounties ... am I going to get banned?
@Matthew Our attempts to remove players who use bugs/scripts or cheats from the Hitlist is a completely separate affair from the "blocking" which some users are experiencing. What you're seeing there is exactly how I explained it over in the other thread that was created about it. Our developers are aware of the increased reports of this and are working to correct it. @Kel While I might not understand the football aspect of your analogy, you have to trust the league commissioner to make the right calls. While it might look like one of the players is not using automation or cheats, our developer-checked bot reports have a greater degree of accuracy than our old automated systems. When we take actions against accounts we do not do so without just cause. While the end result of our investigations might not be the desired outcome for everybody, we have shown that we're capable of taking the necessary steps when we need to if players don't learn from their consequences.
The bounty system is completely outta whack whether purposeful or by accident. I can hit a non healing target who has a total of 40k health while doing over 10k per attack and still have it take more than 4 attacks to kill. Where as someone of a much lesser level or who hasnt had much recent success hunting can take down the same target with a number of attacks that is proportionate to the amount of damage they are dealing per attack.
I believe the players you slap on the wrist DO learn from the brief punishment you give them, trouble is they usually learn to hide it better. As I stated in an earlier post that you chose to delete: A leopard does not change its spots.
I think the GODS placing bounties is good, BUT it wont catch the ones running a bounty catching scrip---because those cheaters set their bounty limit to hit ONLY 1T plus bountys!!! & the "GODS" only target inactive players usually low level w/ bountys only in the millons or billions-- I only bounty hunt occasionally cause its BORING -unless my Guild says ready 3-2-1--then I'll try for some, but otherwise clicking bounty then scroll to attack, every few seconds, is a waste of time--- did that for 2 hrs straight, only 6 bountys showed up- & I got only 2 of them! & they were posted by GODS, so I lost more coin by healing than the bounty was?--- GODS should put bountys on random players (of course wont show in stats as a kill, or lose his survival amount) but THEN yu will find the Scrip users!! when the same 3 or 4 get all ! just a thought! uh ooh--did that scare some bot users???
did a test-- wasted my whole day, but worth it?-- 17 hrs just clicking bounty then to attack spot=== a total of 32 bounties showed up- most were GODS bounties- i did get 2 of those---so as I said before- there are bounty hunting scrips in effect! How can ?? get bounty kill B4 it shows up on screen? mostly same Guild posting & getting!! Why would a level 400 at 1700 days playing bounty KEL & AMAZING another in Guild gets a QUAD bounty- hhmm? transfer of funds are happening?
B4 ya'll say different servers BS-- I had FF IE Chrome-- going on 3 different pages, although was funny to see my name come up on list
kk now KANO-- did ya check on who got ALL GODS bounties!===when ya post 5 bounties-- & same person gets 4 ougta 5!=== like I said put bounties on high levels (no stats) see how many bots u find!--- sorry I only spend 21$ a week & have only 1 game
Maybe, not try running 3 browsers at 1 time David, have a high speed connection and make sure puter is updated. I get locked out bunch of bounties + flashes do to the "DOOR WAY CONCEPT" But managed 17 in 4 hours and not even trying to hunt for your so called 17 hrs and you got 2. It is hindered, giving you that but it's not "always" bots/scripts..
JADE-- 100% correct!! I upgraded my internet & only use 1 browser at a time!!-- bounties R popping up like nuts! I'm still not fast enough to go from bounty to attack --- to0 bad cant just camp on attack spot!
JADE-- 100% correct!! I upgraded my internet & only use 1 browser at a time!!-- bounties R popping up like nuts! I'm still not fast enough to go from bounty to attack --- to0 bad cant just camp on attack spot!
I am not the best hunter and the majority of my HL kills are one hits, but there are times when I attack people on the HL and cannot even get one attack. I cannot believe I am alone in experiencing this type of occurrence. Most notable I will experience this when I person is healing on the list. I can click twenty times get one, and the be blocked again. I have an idea for Kano, and this comes from my experience of hunting and being hunted. Kano should create a "honey pot" account. The account should be listed for X trillion dollars, multiple times, have a full mob (no actives accounts to cast a wide net), and have it heal for a few minutes. This should happen at various times through a determined period. Kano then can look at those people who have a larger attack ratio then the rest. This would narrow the field for Kano to investigate bot use. Now that would be an interesting experiment. I am a LCN player, but saw this thread and wanted to reply. This idea is across the board idea for all Kano apps.
My computer is a monster, with 24Gb RAM and 3rd generation i7-4770K processor and a connection that is 100Mb+/100Mb+ and a 6ms ping time to Kano's servers... now, if I really wanted to, I could get 10 out of 10 posted anytime I want to start it - its really based on your connection and ping, however, when you rack up a few in a short time, might as well go warm up the car, have a cigarette, read War and Peace, then come back to hunting because you're throttled and no matter how well you play or how fast you play, you can't beat that 3-5 second delay that Kano throws at you. Yeah, it's a run-on sentence, but at this point, who cares?
Like what is included in this thread about ramp up on BOT usage? http://forums.kanoapps.com/showthread.php?9757-Bounty-party-8