Possible to reset class?

Discussion in 'New Player Area' started by Jarn, May 1, 2010.

  1. Jarn

    Jarn New Member

    Hi i rejoined the fields of Vikings a short while ago. i have been away for a while and now when i started again i noticed the difference between the 3 classes, this i didnt do when i created the character. is there a way to change it, am an Explorer atm but the Merchant is more what i would have picked if i know that there where a different between them
    Last edited: May 9, 2010
  2. Jarn

    Jarn New Member

    not even an reply. was hoping to atleast get an answer. i´ll even accept to start over from scratch if its possible
  3. Michelrpg

    Michelrpg Member

    Can't help you. As far as I know there's no way to reset your class, and the only way to change it is start from scratch (which is a hassle now too with some changes added a while back)
  4. Jarn

    Jarn New Member

    So if am willing to start over and start from scratch will all my items bought be gone to? if so am still willing to start over
  5. Gavin

    Gavin Member

    The Kano admins removed the restart game option, I believe you would need to contact them to reset your game.
  6. Jarn

    Jarn New Member

    ye i guesed that Gavin but dont know how or where to contact the admins
  7. Gavin

    Gavin Member

    Try contacting Kendall, there was a thread once that had this topic of resettting and I believe the reply was for Kendall, in which only by contacting with good reason would they allow the reset.
  8. Dolly

    Dolly New Member

    There have been times when I absolutely exhibited no class at all and would have loved to have mine reset. lol

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