Player thoughts on the development of Kingdom of Thrones

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by polishpimp, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Most people , maybe not, lol all have lives and jobs and families and play when they can, not sure if having more content is gonna assure anyone of people playing for longer periods of time.
  2. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    Gamerpoints and a level up takes what? 3 mintues a day?

    Seems the daily challenges i keep talking about, where some are very easy to get would fit in somones spare time (get 100 fight wins) (1 hitlist kill) (1 punch kill) (small number of boss zombie kills) (3 boss kills)

    Even the intermediate ones I suggested could be completed in less than an hour.

    The idea is to put something in that actually encourages game play.

    and YES, It is guaraunteed, somone will play longer because of it. Not everyone but many people will, and yes, It does guarantee more activity.
  3. slave

    slave Member

    here is my typical day on zs

    slave level 3200

    log in
    take 5 minutes if that to do gps
    look at rivals list, none
    or none healed to attacks
    check fight list - "no squads avaialable in your range"
    check inventory upgrades
    check property upgrades
    do 1,2,3 rockets


    im pretty sure if there was content that would have me take more than a couple of minutes i would probably be on longer

    ive tired of staring at the screen spamming the hitlist tab, ive tired of trying to get videos to watch, sometimes i log in and see ive been killed, i check to see who killed me nxxx or dxxx, i check rivals to see if anyone happens to be healed who hit me, rarely, most often than not the only healed n my rivals is txxxstxxx, i attack a couple of times, then finish my undeads
    hmm nothing else to do....not a damm thing.....

    if there was a farm i could plant, but alas we have no farm....
  4. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Ok and this is a honest question, when you first started playing, Tim, or Slave was there more to do, I am trying to understand, is it different now than then, not being sarcastic, just trying to understand. I would also imagine different times of day or days of the week ( like the weekend for instance) I notice the games are more active, battle lists, bounties ,etc
  5. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    Yes, there where more active players, so there was more to do.

    My fight list was very different then.... If I had somone online on my fight list, I could attack them and they would attack back... same with my rivals..

    You know what My fight list does now? Stack on 20+ ambushes and never attack me. Yeah they can win by attacking me, but they would lose too. God forbid they ever lose.

    You know 90 percent of my rivals are like? They punch, or hit on the list, and log after being attacked 3 times, their gp is done they've leveld up... they've run all the attacks on their fight list, not much reason to keep playing really.

    Seems like a little motivation to actually win fights (instead of just not losing them) other than some pipe dream of 50k more wins would lubricate things.

    Also, to answer your question, People still had achievements to work on, Ones that they felt like where reachable. examples place 250 hitlist collect 100 bounties, 100 ambushes, 25,000 wins. the next achievements are seen as wayyy wayyy down the road by most (or dont exist at all). They are actually rather discouraging, I dont even see getting my next fight win achievement for at least 6 months, and thats "trying" everyday of that 6 months.

    Seems some small goal to reach is the key to activity.

    [ak-tiv-i-tee] Show IPA
    noun, plural ac·tiv·i·ties.
    the state or quality of being active: There was not much activity in the stock market today. He doesn't have enough physical activity in his life.
    a specific deed, action, function, or sphere of action: social activities.
    work, especially in elementary grades at school, that involves direct experience by the student rather than textbook study.
    energetic activity; animation; liveliness.
    a use of energy or force; an active movement or operation.
  6. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    ok thanks for explaining, guess my idea of fun is different, but I hope you get some of what you want. In PC the only problem I see lately is my rival list has shrunk, big time, I wait all day and then have to fight the undead, I am not into losing anyway, worked to hard and long to fight someone I would lose too lol , I look forward to being listed some days when I might have some extra time then I get a rival list, of course alot of low levels show up and I gotta catch them before they go and hide, but my cost prohibits it too often.
  7. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    As Kendall has mentioned, we are looking into ways to keep our dedicated players engaged, and we have a number of things in the works to help with that. You've seen part of this recently with some of the new kinds of achievements we're announcing, and we will be announcing more stuff in the future.
    We are also, as he said, looking at ways to show that we listen and care, because we do, although I can appreciate it doesn't always seem that way.
    And since this is a thread more or less about KoT, I wanted to say that although we can understand that there are some parts of the game that appeal to players who aren't you, you'll find the more you get into it, the more you'll see that it's still a Kano game, and you can still beat eachother up in a variety of fun ways. And like Kendall said, the better KoT does, the better it is for our other games. Everyone wins!
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    @ Kendal, your kidding right? those resources you say that were separate or dedicated to KOT...came from where? My guesses would be either the proceeds of your existing games or a loan or new investor willing to take a shot on you based o the success of your existing games. All we ever here is your a small Indie company with limited resources..that may be the case but with what resources you didnt use on us, spin it however u want.....say if your new game is successful it will benefit all. Ummmm....your current games were successful due in large part to players such as myself/.....Im not seeing crap from where im sitting. U guys have needed a weekend/night support staff from day 1....because u dont the game s are rampant with cheats.....but instead u create new games when u are already understaffed? u gave us higher levels the battle arena for something to do, how about explaining that to all the lower levels spamming the forums with wanting to "level the playing field" of the arena? How about making the arena come close to rewarding us properly. The favor points awarded barely cover if at all the expense and the levels and meager battle drops dont come close to compensating for the lack of current content for the highest of levels. The arena may be something for the higher of levels but it rewards the lower levels far more as the highest continue to fall behind. With worlds a thousand or so levels apart......give me a break.....we would not out level them faster than u can make them. Even if that is the case.....why on earth did u guys waste your time inserting worlds in to mature game when so many had already passed those points?

    Lets just be honest.....its all about getting the newbs in and getting them hooked. Thats why achievements r obtained like every 2 minutes at the lower levels and like eraser said.....the highest of levels have to wait like 6 months. How does it make any sense that some rookie thats played a day , week or month gets all the goodies every time they fart....yet the players that have played the longest and have most likely contributed the most get so much less? Do u have any idea how long it takes to level a hundred levels at the lower levels? Now compare that to the time and resources it takes to gain 1k level at 300k XP +, yet somehow those guys deserve more? Most wont even continue to play for crying out loud. How about FP...I know youve said before that the lowest of levels dont get them more often....but as a player who plays all the games on diff platforms at every level......this is not the case. The players who need/deserve them the least get more.

    Dont take me wrong Kendal...Im not trying to bust your balls....Im just speaking matter of factly from experience in all things Kano that probably no other player has. I love the game or I wouldnt still be playing them...i dont pay any more because im not seeing nearly the return from my investment as I see going elsewhere. I get that as a company your first priority has to be profit/growth and that newbs is where its at. But eventually when there is enough players that reach the highest of levels and see/experience what we long until the word spreads that its simply not worth it?
  9. slave

    slave Member

    and that is why the higher level players are leaving the game in droves, its why your world bosses are going criticial when they didnt use to, high damage, high level people are not there to hit the boss. I used to set my alarm clock to the world boss and wake up in the middle of the night just to keep an advanatage on other people, now i could care less

    linda when we started, there were more accounts to attack then we had stamina, there were weapns and vehicles and armor to upgrade, there were achievements to try for, outbreaks seemed unlimited, there were more things to do than you had energy and stamina

    now......i burn my energy on outbreaks that have long been completed, i burn my stamina on bosses 2-3 hundred levels above the highest level need for achievement (10), i have no fight list, if i didnt have undead fights, i would see nothing, even getting listed is all for naught, i get listed and immediately eveyrone that attacks me is in the hospital hiding for 24 hours until they drop off my list, i suppose i could punch them and waste a stam pt for absolutley nothing, but instead i channel that excess stam "Stamina: 1327/2000" into my level 345 clown boss and other assorted over level 100 bosses that ive been beating on for weeks, months, even years.
    my next achievement might be fight wins - Fights Won: 131,850, i do only need 19,000 more, but at 88 undead fights per day, ill let you do the math
    hit list kills could be next, i only need 750 of those, but im not interested in staring at a screen that doesnt move with no visible thing moving on the screen spamming the hitlist tab and hope that a hit comes up and im lucky enough to be able to nab it, and to boot having to answer math questions every 5 minutes because i am spamming the tab so much, after that is the peach of peaches outbreaks, i need 5 billion zombies killed, in only two years of playing ive already killed 2 billion so i only have to wait 3 more years to nail that one down, now there something to look forward to.....

    other than personal attribute acheivements and those that require a hit list/fight list i have nothing else to do, and the attributes are lofty goals indeed, all done in time but theres no rushing them no matter how you play

    i agree with most of everything polish points out
    Level: 3211 686592 / 864746
    with out a fight list to gain xp, im relegated to outbreaks and boss helps both of which are inadequate to keep me interested
    the only attraction to battle arena at this point is i get a fight list and i get xp which doesnt degrade no matter how many times i beat on someone, cuz other than that its a modified version of spamming the hitlist tab

    unless kano gets its act together and puts in content that is rewarding and fun you will see more and more people tiring of doing the things ive pointed out above and the inevitable conclusion they will decide upon.
  10. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Ok I hear what you are saying, but one thing to consider is some people may have a change in lifestyle, and or job, maybe their agenda was to get to a certain level and then move on to something else, I would imagine things like that come into play, people find other things to do, and might regardless of new content, but I wonder what kind of content is gonna make people play more , a big problem I see in the other games with small fight lists is the simple fact that everyone is clan with everyones else, ( well almost ) not sure if that happens in ZS but I get multiple clan requests daily for all 4 games, also in the other games not so much ZS people use leveling partners race up the levels then complain Kano is not keeping up with them, via new content, meanwhile they did it to themselves, for me a new location /adventure/boss combo is just another pretty artwork thing to click on, are you looking for things other than that?
  11. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    A good start would be to give the highest of levels the same as everyone else....something to look forward to besides just a new achievement(or at least more...more often). When a new world opens up it would be nice if i wasnt already eligible for it thousands of levels ago. players like myself are and were just like every other lower level player....always wondering whats behind that next unlock....its what drove us to where we are now. Everything about these games is designed to drive players onward and pretty much sucks when u do exactly what kano wanted u to do only to find out they quit on you. How would they like it if all they players did the same and quit on them?

    Dont take me wrong here...Im not trying to just bash on Kano, but the simple fact is that the low to mid levels have everything they could possibly need, in fact they have WAAAAY more than we ever had at those levels. Kano has done a few things to try and entertain the highest of levels but frankly it falls short. How are Kanos most dedicated players suppose to feel when game content for them is woefully behind......only to find out they have been working on an entirely new game? Whats going to happen when players exceed that games limits....another new game?

    I remember when i decided to retire my first VC account which happened to be #1 at the time and in a very similar situation as I find myself in now. kano sent me an email expressing their desire for me not to quit and went on about all the content that was to come for the higher levels. Well....I retired that account anyways and started completely over from scratch and went right back to #1 and guess what....right back in the same situation that i was the first time.

    I still have that email from Kano, i would post it here but the last time I did that Kano had a cow. On an interesting side note...i still have the email fromKano when they threatened to permenantly bann me from the games because I wouldnt shut up about the guy who was spamming every game feed and the forums calling me a "baby raping christian" amongst other things on a daill basis. I endured that crap for almost 2 years before Kano decided to do something about it, back then they werent even deleting posts like that. I found it interesting that a couple TGIFs ago Melonie posted that behavior like that wouldnt be tolerated and players doing it would be banned. Kano may be a small Indie company....but they move as fast as Government and act very much like big business,,,, In that what they say publicly vs privately can be completely can be 2 completely diff things
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2013
  12. ben

    ben Active Member

    your right there pimp...

    how i feel in pc is my ship is out in the middle of the sea with no wind its sails...only kano can put the wind back in them...
  13. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    Kano beats the drum and yells "ROW!" :p
  14. Ne0istic

    Ne0istic New Member

    Yeah, i really like this game too, i hope it will continue to around for a while.....
  15. Ne0istic

    Ne0istic New Member

    You rather they see more spent on zombie slayers ? wow, now i do play vc, but that i dont, what a shame people arnt prepared to give this game ago, as i think its excellent, but then i do like these types of games. I was an evony player, and we spent loads of time and money on that because, personally, its miles better than viking clan...Hope something comes of this game! And WTG guys!!!

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