Do they I didnt know

(I thought I would point out this is Irony, to avoid another, long, irrelevant, derogatory, paragraph from some )
You dont get 14k wins and 9k losses if it is someone else is doing the all the caging on you and if you did you would not be seeing the cagematch strength you use as an example below.
Of cause I know that cage attacks from others go onto your cage counts win or loss. Post the quote where I say different.

It is you that is the Idiot. My cagematch wins / losses above the final achievement are a fraction of yours and posted above.
Your Stats > Cagematches Won:
14,782 Cagematches Lost: 9,007
Do you really want us to believe that you have been cage attacked, winning
9,782 times, since you got your achievment, Really.
The same player that posts> "all those are hits and not leveling"

20685 +
1051. Power attacks
Why would you power attack? all it does is give more xp per attack. So is only used to level faster.
Who are you to say what is or isn't playing the game, when players are just using the feature available in a game?
Just because you cant handle a few attacks on you, in a fight game.
It seems you are unable to adapt.
Ill repost my thoughts on a way forwards not that I believe any more should be done to further restriced cagematch :- Click to expand...