Battles Won:
214,665 Battles Lost:
Battle Kills:
3,501 Death Count:
Survival Streak: 31 Victory Streak: 6
Counter Attacks: 14,224
Cagematches Won:
14,782 Cagematches Lost:
Cagematch Kills:
Bounty Wins: 23,625 Bounty Losses: 14,587
Bounty Kills: 5,504 Bounty Traps: 728
Bounties Placed: 2,498 Honorable Bounties Placed: 244
Max Bounty Collected: 271.061 trillion
Undead Battles
Undead Wins: 10075 Undead Losses: 1611
Power Attacks
Power Attacks Won:
20685 Power Attacks Lost:
Boss Kills: 1310 Bosses Helped: 39,672
Adventures Taken: 75,924 Adventures Assisted: 22,797
Challenges Complete: 1,142 Challenges Helped: 33,829
Pistol Whips
Pistol Whips Dealt: 13,544 Pistol Whips Received: 10,853
Pistol Whip Kills: 1,096 Pistol Whip Deaths: 233
Hardest Pistol Whip: 2,869
This is what the crybaby is looking for. This is what a fighter account looks like not a cager
and not someone who needs to level off another player either to get ahead of the game.
Now if you were in facebook and you were in my fight range i am sure you would be in the hospital constantly hiding. Yeah i took my losses at the beginning of the game when i was getting my sea legs and adjusting to how this game is truly played. But all those are hits and not leveling.
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