Not getting correct energy whe levelling up

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by jon french, Feb 14, 2011.

  1. jon french

    jon french Member

    States in Help:-

    "Each time you level up you will receive bonus energy up to a maximum of 10000 or your character's max whichever is less"

    I have 979 energy, i levelled with 400+ ish energy still left, only got a refill to my max eng of 979 - my energy should have gone into the 1400+ ish by your stated rules

    Wouldnt have taken my energy boost at that point if knew this would happen - either clarify the rules properly or give me something back please
  2. jon french

    jon french Member

    I assume also as it stands that if you have more than 1000 Stam and level you will get burnt in the same way - if so again the help file needs rewriting or you need to adjust game
  3. its 10,000 or your max energy whichever is less.

    also with stamina its 1000 stamina or your max whichever is less.
  4. Ace

    Ace Member

    Energy/Stamina that remain when you level up is lost, it kinda sucks when you log-in lacking little exp and have full of both since you lose a lot, but that's the way it's always been, and I think it's okay to leave it how it is.
  5. thats why i drain it before leaving the app.

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